talking hours or talk time is a live or recorded human voice service, usually accessed by phone, which gives the right time. The first telephone talk service was introduced in France, in collaboration with the Paris Observatory, on 14 February 1933.
The service format is similar to the radio time signal service. At a certain interval ( say Ten seconds), a voice announces (for example) "On the third stroke, the time will be twelve forty-six and ten seconds...", with the next three beeps. Some countries have sponsored the announcement of the time and entered the name of the sponsor in the message.
Video Speaking clock
In 1995, ASEAN had prepared nine hours of talk.
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- Indonesia
- Laos
- Malaysia 1051 (in Kuala Lumpur), 03-1051 (from other countries), 60-3-1051 (from other countries), 1052 (United Kingdom)
- Philippines
- Singapore 171 (English) (1711 if summoned from other ASEAN countries, 65-171 from other countries), 172 (China), 173 (Tamil)
- Thailand 181 (1811 if summoned from other ASEAN countries, 66-181 from other countries), 182 for English
- Vietnam
The sound is generated in ten different languages: Chinese (Singapore), English (every country), Indonesia (Indonesia), Khmer (Cambodia), Laos (Laos), Malay (Malaysia, Brunei), Tagalog (Philippines), Tamil (Singapore) , Thailand (Thailand) and Vietnam (Vietnam).
This service replaces services in Malaysia (owned by F3), Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand (owned by the navy), which already has a talk-time service. Argentina
In Argentina, users can call the auto-timing service to contact 113 of almost any fixed network operator.
Maps Speaking clock
In Australia, number 1194 provides hours of talk in all areas and from all service providers. It is always the current time from which the call originated. The man's voice, which is often known by Australians as George, says "In the third stroke, it will be (hour) (minute) and (seconds) seconds/precise. (Three beeps)" eg. "In the third stroke, it will be three thirty-three and forty seconds... beep beeps ". This is done in 10 seconds increments and the beep is 1 kHz.
Before the automated system, the subscriber called the operator who would quote time from the center clock in exchange with phrases like "Time by exchange hours is...". This is not appropriate and the operator can not always answer when the customer wants. In 1954, a British-made system was installed in Melbourne and Sydney. The mechanical talking clock uses a rotating glass disk in which various parts of the time are recorded on the disc. Synchronous motors drive discs with drive sources derived from the 5CHz Quartz Oscillator through a multi-stage valve splitter. This is reinforced to provide enough drive to drive the motor. Due to the low torque available, the hand wheel is used to rotate the motor at start up. The voice was provided by Gordon Gow. The units are designed for continuous operation. Both units in Melbourne and Sydney are run together (primary and backup). For summer time change, one will be on-line while the second forward or delayed one hour and at 02:00:00 Eastern Standard Time Australia will be transferred to the standby unit.
As well as clock talk, there are additional equipment to provide timing signals, 1 pulse per second, 8 pulses per minute and 8 pulses per hour. The Standard Time and Frequency Section at the PMG Research Laboratory at 59 Little Collins Street, Melbourne maintains a frequency check to ensure that the system is "on time". From a maintenance standpoint, the most important part of a mechanical clock is to ensure that they are well oiled to minimize wear on the cams and to replace the blown lights in optical pickups from glass disk recording. When & amp; The Frequency Standard was transferred from 59 Collins Street to Clayton, the duplicated control signal and the second bank of the Cesium Beam Primer standard installed so that the cutover was transparent without loss of service.
This mechanical system was replaced by a digital system in 1990. Each talk-time ensemble consists of two announcement units (Zag 500), a supervisory unit (CCU 500), two phase-locked oscillators, two pulse distribution units, Civil Time Receiver (plus backup) , and two or four Computime 1200 baud modems. The voice was provided by Richard Peach, former ABC broadcaster. Various components were shipped for commercial production after a working prototype was built at Telstra Research Laboratory (TRL). Assmann Australia uses the German announcement unit and builds a supervisory unit for TRL specifications. The Design 2000 incorporates a TRL oscillator in phase locked oscillator units designed on TRL and is controlled by two tones of the standard Cesium Telstra ray frequency. Ged Company built civilian receivers. The civil time code generator and two tone generators are designed and built into TRL. Substitution occurred at 11:59:52, 12 September 1990.
Each state capital has a digital speaking clock for local time with an access number for all Australians, 1194. In 2002, Telstra 1194 services were migrated to Informatel (which uses its own digital technology, together with the National Measurement Institute - but save the original voice of Richard Peach ), while other time services (eg hourly pips to radio stations) are maintained as services by Telstra. In May 2006, the remaining Telstra service was withdrawn and the digital device was discontinued. Service 1194, although no longer provided by Telstra, is still operated by Informatel in partnership with Telstra.
In Austria, the speaking hours ("Zeitansage", which literally means "announcement time") can be reached at 0810 00 1503 since 2009. The recorded female voice says (for example): "Ice wird mit dem Summerton 15 Uhr, 53 Minuten und 10 Sekunden ", which means" In a buzzing tone, the time will be 15 hours, 53 minutes and 10 seconds ", followed by a short pause and 1 kHz, 0.25s long sound (though the" buzzing "announcement indicates otherwise). Time is announced in 10 seconds interval. Prior to 2009, talking hours were available by calling 1503. Up there, the sound was produced by Assmann ZAG500, which is also used in Australia. It has been replaced by voice server.
In Barbados, the daily time and temperature conditions are provided by the Accuweather company and can be obtained by the number 1,246,976,8463. Daily weather conditions are now in separate numbers 1.246.976.2376.
In Belgium, the talk time is usually reached at 1200 (Dutch), 1300 (in French) and 1400 (German). Starting September 2012, this service can only be reached at 32 78 05 12 00 (Dutch), 32 78 05 13 00 (in French) and 32 78 05 14 00 (German). At the time of change of number, the service receives 5000 calls per day.
In Brazil, users can access the non-free Speaking hours service, calling number "130".
In Canada, the National Research Council (NRC) is the federal agency responsible for official time.
The NRC time is called the primary cesium atomic clock designed, built, and maintained at the NRC standard time laboratories in Ottawa.
NRC provides Telephone Speaking Clock service; sound announcements from Eastern Time are made every 10 seconds, followed by a tone indicating the exact time. This service is available to the general public by calling 1 613 745-1576 for English services and 1 613 745-9426 for French services. Long distance charges apply to those who call from outside the Ottawa/Gatineau area. The voices of the announcement of the time are Harry Mannis in English and Simon Durivage in French.
The NRC also offers CHU as a continuous short-wave broadcast, and FM's once-daily broadcast time signal at 1:00 pm EST on CBC Radio One and PremiÃÆ'¨re ChaÃÆ'®ne main networks.
The Hydrography and Oceanographic Services of the Chilean Navy provides a toll-free speaking at 56 (800) 800 780.
Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, talking hours can be reached by calling 14112.
The Danish telephone company, KTAS, introduced the automated time service of Klokken FrÃÆ'¸ken Klokken (Miss Clock) in 1939, originally voiced by telephonist Anna Edith Sommer-Jensen (1918-2008). In 1970, the new system used the sound recording of Marianne Germers. This service was digitized in 1993.
TDC Speaking Clock can be heard by calling 45 70 10 11 55 outside Denmark and at 70 10 11 55 in Denmark.
In Finland, the speaking clock service is known as Finnish Neiti Aika in Finnish or FrÃÆ'¶ken Tid in Swedish, both of which mean "Miss Time". The first Neiti Aika service started in 1936 and was the first automated telephone service in Finland. This service is provided by a regional telephone company and can be contacted by calling 10061 across the country. The voice of the talking clock can be male or female depending on the phone company service you use. Currently the use of the Neiti Aika service has dropped considerably to zero and Auria, the regional telephone company of Turku, stated in an article from the newspaper Turun Sanomat that when the company started service in 1938 it was used 352,310 times in the initial year versus 1300 times on September 2006.
In France, the horloge parlante has operated since February 14, 1933. It is available at 36.99 from within France, and was previously available from abroad with calls 33 8.36.99.xx.xx ( where x can be anything). However, since September 2011 calls placed outside of France or territory only produce recordings indicating that the number is no longer available.
In Germany, the talk time of Deutsche Telekom is available by calling 0180 4 100 100. At the beginning of the call, the date is announced.
Clock in Hamburg is available with a call
- 040 - 42 89 90 (domestic calls)
- 49 - 40 - 42 89 90 (from abroad)
Only normal fixed line phone rates apply.
In Greece, talking hours can be heard by calling 14814.
Icelandic clock service ("clukkan"), provided by SÃÆ'minn, can be reached by call (354) 155.
Across the country, the 20119 call will connect people to the speaking hours in Persian.
Eir's speaking hours can be reached by calling 1191 in Ireland.
The format used is a message at a 10 second interval that says: "In the signal it will be, HH: MM and XX seconds" followed by a high pitched short note.
The entire country of call 1455 will connect to the Hebrew or English speaking clock provided by Bezeq.
The Japanese telephone company NTT provides non-free speaking hours at the national universal number 117.
Non-free Lattelecom hours are provided in Latvian and Russian and can be reached by call either (371) 82154 or 82174, respectively. The exact time is given immediately after the connection, rather than after a certain signal.
On October 1, 1930, a system was installed in Haarlem's telephone exchange (automatically in 1925) which indicated time using a series of tones, number 15290.
In 1934, an electronic engineer and inventor of F.H. Leeuwrik was asked to build a talking clock for a city phone service in The Hague. His experience with sound films made him decide to use an optically recorded speech, repeating a large drum. There are loops for hours and minutes, each reading with a photodetector. Every minute the clock gives an electric pulse, causing the mechanism to shift to the next minute. Every hour, the minute mechanism is reset (and every day clock mechanism), the clock is accurate in a minute. The women's voice was given by the schoolteacher 24 years ago, Cor Hoogendam, then the machine was named Aunt Cor (Aunt Kor). The talking clock began operating on November 9, 1934 and could be reached by calling 393131. The service became very popular, so in 1935 a second machine was ordered and built. In total F.H. Leeuwrik built 19 machines, one for each telephone district. Beginning with the exchange of 's-Hertogenbosch in 1941, the number gradually aligned nationally up to 002 (or K 02) for all automatic exchanges. Even during the Nazi occupation of World War II, the hours of speech were called more than two million times a year. During World War II, 12 machines were destroyed and rebuilt after the War by its own discoverers.
In 1969 the system was disabled and replaced by a machine that looked like a record player with three pick-up weapons. The talking clock is now much more accurate, telling the time at 10 second intervals followed by a beep, indicating the exact moment. The text was pronounced by actress Willie Brill and has the following format: "Bij de volgende toon is het.. uur,.. minuten en.. seconden" (on the following note, this.. hours,.. minutes and seconds). The service is now called over 130 million times a year.
Finally, in April 1992, all these machines were replaced by digital devices without moving parts. The sound (digital) is provided by Joke Driessen actress and the clock accuracy is maintained by connecting it with the German long wave radio transmitter DCF77. To comply with international guidelines that restrict zero-zero to use as an international prefix, the number 002 was changed on December 3, 1990 to 06-8002, and then to 0900-8002. Although many people today have access to accurate time display of digital watches, mobile phones and computers, these services still receive about four million calls per year, especially around New Year's Eve and every time the hour changes with respect to summer time.
New Zealand
New Zealand's language clock is run by the New Zealand Standard Measurement Laboratory. This service is accomplished by calling 0900 45 678 (Call 99c per minute). MSL has been running this service since 1989.
Speaking clock (Norwegian: FrÃÆ'¸ken Ur , meaning Miss Clock ) in Norway was in operation between 1932 and January 15, 2007 14:00 local time. This service can be reached by calling 09170 (1999-2007), and 170 (until 1999). Among the women who contributed with their votes for this service were actresses Randi Brennes (-1992) and Kristin Johnson (1992-2007). When the service stops it still gets around 2000-3000 calls per month.
Hours of talk in Poland are known as Zegarynka which means girl hours . This service was first available in 1936 and used the found and patented device in Poland. It speaks with the voice of actress Lidia Wysocka being recorded. The first cities equipped with this device are Katowice, Warszawa (call number 05), Gdynia, Toru? and KrakÃÆ'³w (July 1936).
Over the years the number is 926, but because the EU rules that govern all 3-digit numbers only for emergency services, it was changed in the early 2000s. The connection is charged on a per minute basis. In 2009 the number changed to 19.226.
Since 1936, the voiced voice has changed twice.
To hear the current time in Russia you call 100 or 060, depending on the city where the service is available. This call is free if it is made from a non-mobile phone. In Moscow, the Speaking Hour number is 100 if contacted from within the city, or 7-495-100-xxxx from another country (where x can be anything). At one time in Moscow there were advertisements before and after the announcement of the current time; this practice has stopped.
South Africa
Speaking hours in South Africa are achieved by calling 1026 from a fixed or mobile network and composed of a female voice reading the time in 24 hour format, alternating between Afrikaans and English. All South Africans are in UTC 2 time zones without summer time so the hours are talking equally across the country.
In Spain, talking hours can be heard by calling 093.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Telecom provides a Speaking Hour service in three languages.
- 1292 - Sinhala
- 1293 - Tamil
- 1294 - English
More details can be found in the SLT phone directory.
Swedish language hours (Swedish: FrÃÆ'¶ken Ur , literally Miss Clock ) in Sweden has been in operation since October 6, 1934, and can be reached by calling 90510 (46 33 90510 or 46 8 90510 from outside Sweden). Four women have contributed with their votes for service: Eva Ulvby (1934-1956), Berit Hofling (1956-1968), Ebba Beckman (1968-2000), Johanna Hermann Lundberg (2000-).
Speaking hours can be contacted under 161 and two languages ​​in French and German with alternating voices between two languages, the time in Germany was announced at 0, 20 and 40 seconds and the time in France was announced at 10, 30 and 50 seconds past the minute.
In Taiwan, the talk time can be reached by calling 117.
To hear the current local time in Ukraine, one can reach the right time service by contacting 121 from any city in the country.
United Kingdom
In the UK, the talk time can be reached by calling 123 on the BT phone line; the amount may vary on other networks. Every ten seconds, a voice announces:
- "In the third stroke, the time from BT will be (hours) (minutes) and (seconds) seconds"
For the right time, "exactly" is replaced for the second part of the announcement. Similarly, the announcement for the time between the hour and one minute passes the "hour" replacement clock for (zero) minutes. Other operators run their own talking hours, with almost similar formats, or transition to BT services. Virgin Media has their own service by calling 123 from the Virgin Media line.
The first talk service was introduced in the UK on July 24, 1936. The mechanism employed was an array of motors, glass discs, photocells and valves that took up the floor space of a small room. The voice was the voice of London phone Ethel Jane Cain, who had won 10 guineas in a competition to find the right voice. Sound Fabrics are recorded optically to a glass disc in a manner similar to a movie soundtrack. This service is obtained by playing TIM (846) letters on the phone, and hence service is often colloquially referred to as "Tim". However, this code is only used in phone systems in London, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. Another area was initially contacted 952 but with the introduction of the Customer Trunk Calling it was changed to 80 and then 8081 as more 'registered services' were introduced and standardized to 123 in the early 1990s.
Timing announcements are made by playing phrases or short words recorded in the correct order. In an interview with Radio Manchester in 1957, Miss Cain said:
The way I recorded it was jolted as if. I say: "In the Third Stroke" (which happens for all time), and then I count from One, Two, Three, Four, for hours, we even go as far as twenty four, if twenty Hours of four hours should be used, and then I say "... and ten seconds, and twenty seconds, and thirty, forty, fifty seconds", and "clock" and "right". The famous "precisely". So what you hear is "On the Third Stroke it will be one, twenty one and forty seconds".
In 1963, the original device was replaced by a more modern recording technology using magnetic drums. Companies that produce rotary magnetic drum parts from Speaking Clock are Roberts & amp; Armstrong (Engineers) Ltd of Wembley North. They took a license from the British Post Office to produce a complete hour for the Danish, Swedish and Irish Republic telecommunication authorities, and a third hour (reserve) for the British Post Office. The latter is installed on Bow Street, London. The European clock is modified for a 24 hour system by extending the drum and adding additional heads. Roberts & amp; Armstrong subcontracted the electronic aspects to the Synchronome Company of Westbury. The clock is designed to run non-stop for 20 years. This system gave way to the current digital system in 1984, which uses a built-in crystal oscillator and microprocessor logic control. The complete equipment consists of a solid-state microchip, not occupying more shelf space than a small suitcase and having no moving parts at all. The BT service is accurate up to five thousandths of a second.
In 1986, BT allowed the Accurist to sponsor the franchise, the first time a sponsor has been used for the service. In the last years of this sponsorship, it costs 30 cents to call the talking clock. Accurist announced the resignation of the agreement and the launch of the online website "Real Time UK" on August 24, 2008.
During the Cold War, Telecom's clock network was designed to be used in the case of a nuclear strike to broadcast messages from Command Strike at RAF High Wycombe to the HANDEL unit at the regional police station. From there, an automatic warning siren can commence and alerts are sent to the Royal Observer Corps surveillance post and other civil defense volunteers equipped with manual warning devices. The rationale for using an existing rather than dedicated system is that the system is effectively being tested over time, rather than being enabled (and possibly found to be false) only in the event of a war. The signal for the siren is automatically sent to the individual cable (unknowingly) the customer for the same reason - the customer will report any errors as soon as they occur, while problems with the special channel will not be noticed until required.
A talk-time version is also used on recordings of events in the Parliament Building created by the BBC Parliament Unit, partly as a time and part reference to prevent editing. On stereo recordings, one track is used for sound and the other for endless recording of the talking clock - no pips, as this is found to cause interference.
On the second occasion of a jump, as of 23:59:60 as of December 31, 2005, there is a second additional respite between the second and third beeps so as to keep the talk time synchronized with Coordinated Universal Time. So it will sound like this: "In the third stroke, the time from BT will be, exactly at twelve hours. Beep, Beep, & lt; pause & gt; Beep." The current source of UK time is provided, though not monitored, by the National Physical Laboratory, UK. Since 2003, the English hour has changed the vote four times. Almost all changes occur on a day when the clock shifts from standard time to summer time or vice versa. This is due to the fact that 123 are most frequently contacted in these days.
The speaking clock service is not available on 3 mobile phone networks, as they use 123 as the number for their Answerphone service. It is also not available on the Orange mobile phone network for the same reason.
BT Speaking Clock receives about 70 million calls per year.
Separate non-BT service to access voice talk using Pat Simmons sound, available on 0871 976 2819. However, the number of calls that can be received at a time is limited. Another service, available on 0871 976 2839, announces time in various voices from past UK, American and Australian services. This service always announces the UK time regardless of the sound used.
List of sounds heard in the British "BT Speaking Clock"
There are five permanent voices for talking hours. Temporary voices have been used on special occasions, usually with BT donating call charges collected for charity.
Permanent sound
- Ethel Jane Cain, first permanent voice: from July 24, 1936 to 1963.
- Pat Simmons, second permanent voice: from 1963 to 2 April 1985 (probably still heard).
- Brian Cobby, third permanent voice: from 2 April 1985 to 2 April 2007.
- Sara Mendes da Costa, fourth permanent vote: from 2 April 2007 to 9 November 2016.
- Alan Steadman, the fifth permanent vote: from 9 November 2016.
Temporary sound
- Lenny Henry, comedian, interim voice for Comic Relief: from March 10 to March 23, 2003.
- Alicia Roland, a 12-year-old girl, a temporary vote for ChildLine charity children, from October 13 to October 20, 2003, having won the BBC TV Newsround competition and stated, before announcing the time, "It's Time listening to young people ".
- Mae Whitman, a temporary vote as part of a deal to promote Disney's Tinker Bell production, for three months from October 26, 2008 to February 2, 2009.
- British celebrities Kimberley Walsh, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, Gary Barlow, Chris Moyles, and Fearne Cotton for Comic Relief charity: from 3 February to 23 March 2009.
- British celebrities David Walliams, Gary Barlow, Chris Moyles, Kimberley Walsh, Fearne Cotton, and mystery voice for Sport Relief charity from 7 March to 9 April 2012.
- Clare Balding temporary vote for Comic Relief from February 12 to March 15, 2013 (with the help of barking dogs, the timing was announced as "on the third feed".)
- Davina McCall temporary vote for Sport Relief from 27 January to 23 March 2014.
- Ian McKellen's temporary vote for Comic Relief from 24 February to 13 March 2015.
- Jo Brand temporary vote for Sport Relief from 22 January to 30 March 2016.
United States
The first automated time service in the United States began in Atlanta, Georgia in 1934 as a promotion for Tick Tock Ginger Ale. The company owner John Franklin modified Western Electric's technology to create a machine known as Audichron. Audichron's company became a major supplier to the US speaking hours, run by local businesses and, later, regional Bell System companies.
This service is commonly known as the "Time of Day" service, with the term "talking clock" never used. Sometimes it's called "Time and Temperature" or "Time". However, the service has been removed in most states (Nevada and Connecticut still maintain the service). AT & amp; T suspended its California service in September 2007, citing the widespread availability of sources such as cell phones and computers.
For all area codes in Northern California, and on the West Coast in general, the ordered exchange is 767 often indicated by its phoneword, POPCORN; the service was discontinued in 2007. In other locations, different telephone exchanges were used for the speaking clock service. In these areas, the numbers are usually quoted with -xxxx, -2525, -1212, or -1234 over. As an example,
- 853 is a booked exchange in Southern California,
- 622 is an exchange provided in Florida,
- 637 (MEridian 7) is an exchange provided in Boston and New York City,
- 846 is an exchange provided in Philadelphia,
- 844 (TIme 4) is an exchange provided in Washington, DC, with an official number TIme 4-2525 (this clock is usually the most accurate of hours operated by a local telephone company; the service is discontinued in 2011),
- 936 (WEather 6) is used in Boston, Washington, D.C., and Toledo, Ohio for weather information,
- WEather 6-1212 is the official number published in Washington.
Various other numbers are used in other areas:
- In Wisconsin, former Bell Bell reserves the final number -0123 in the dominant exchange for the city for time and temperature information.
- (920) 734-0123 Appleton, WI, originally provided by AT & amp; T, LEC incumbent, service discontinued after several decades there and the number is taken over by privately operated talk time offering short time, temperature and advertisement advertisement.
- (203) 777-4647 (203-SPRINGS), New Haven, Connecticut is still an active service for the day. Works in February 2018.
- (219) 933-9000 West Indiana Time & amp; Temperature. The Time/Temperature service works since April 2018.
- (406) 442-1730 Helena, MT Time/Service Temp. Works in October 2016.
- (408) 767-2676 (408-POPCORN). San Jose, CA. Time/Service Temperature is now provided by CLEC. Works in May 2018.
- (415) 767-2676 (415-POPCORN). San Francisco, CA. Time/Service Temperature is now provided by CLEC. Works starting April 2018.
- (435) 257-5141 Traffic Service, UT Time/Temperature. Provided by ancient digital digital devices. Works in October 2016.
- (541) 917-6885 Speaking Hour, Albany, Oregon "time..." The service is functioning since February 2018.
- (817) 844-6611 Fort Worth, Texas. The Chase Bank Time/Temperature/Weather service is working from October 2016.
- (919) 249-1130 Apex, North Carolina Time & amp; Temperature. Time/Temperature/Weather Service not working since October 2014.
- (919) 362-1226 Apex, North Carolina. Apex WeatherNow! Time/Temperature/Weather Service works since May 2018.
- (919) 468-8463 468-TIME Service, Cary, North Carolina. The service works from October 2016.
- (704) 933-1181 Kannapolis, North Carolina time and temperature service works since April 2018.
- (513) 721-1700 Cincinnati Bell's Parkway 1-1700 for time & amp; temperature. Service starts in March 2018.
- (740) 774-2151 Chillicothe, Ohio. Chillicothe Telephone Company Time/Temperature/Weather Service works since August 2017.
- (251) 660-0044 Mobile, Time/Date/Temperature service Alabama working since October 2016.
- (770) 455-7141 Atlanta, GA Time/Date/The weather service works since February 2018.
- (330) 823-8211 Alliance, Ohio Time/Date/Weather Service functions since April 2018.
Many short wave time radio signal services provide a talk-time service, such as WWV (voiced by John Doyle) and WWVH (voiced by Jane Barbe), operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States. To avoid disruption with devices that rely on accurate timing and service tone placement from the radio, sound recording is "notched" of some tones.
The time provided by WWV is also available by phone, by calling 1, 303, 499-7111. WWVH (additional locations in Hawaii) is available at 1808 335-4363.
In addition, the United States Naval Observatory operates two hours of talk: in Washington, DC at 1A 202A 762Ã, 1401 or 1A 202A 762Ã, 1069, and in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 1A 719Ã, 567Ã, 6742.
The time provided by the Tellme voice portal is available by calling toll free number 408-752-8052.
Electronic watches and clocks are available, widely marketed to people with visual impairments.
Many answering machines and similar devices include speech capabilities so they can announce the time when messages are received.
Other countries
- In Cambodia, the number of talking hours is 107 for Phnom Penh and 023-107 for other provinces. The call rate is KHR 300 per minute in Phnom Penh.
- In Malaysia, there are two talking hours, the first being 1051, owned by SIRIM Berhad, the other, 181, owned by LKS Group, a private company group. Both are available only in Malay.
- In Thailand, the number of talking hours is 181.
- In China, 117 calls in each city are connected to the speaking clock telling you the current Beijing time. If you call 117 by landline or mobile phone in that country, you will still be charged for communication. Rates are charged according to regular local numbers, generally around 0.25 RMB/min.. Please note that despite a large area in China, all areas have the same time.
See also
- Category: Phone voiceover voice
- Greenwich Time Signal
External links
- Photo module Speaking clock announcer (ZBA4264) was built in 1955
- Website about clock history
- (in Polish) & amp; Polish watch device from 1936
Source of the article : Wikipedia