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Oregon State Penitentiary locked down after 20-inmate fight - KTVZ

Oregon State Prison (OSP), sometimes called Oregon State Prison, is the maximum security prison in Oregon, USA. Opened in 1851, a prison with a capacity of 2,242 is the oldest prison in the state. Male facilities are located in Salem and operated by the Oregon Repair Department.

OSP contains the Oregon death line, which holds most of the 37 people awaiting execution in Oregon. It also contains intensive management wings, which are being converted into psychiatric facilities for mentally ill prisoners throughout Oregon.

Video Oregon State Penitentiary


Before the construction of a prison in Oregon, many people convicted of crimes were hanged or forgiven. The Oregon State Penitentiary was originally built in Portland in 1851. The operation of this facility proved difficult as it stretched two blocks, with a city road that crossed the middle. In 1859, the facility was leased to private contractors (Robert Newell and L. N. English), who instituted a prison work system. This new system is causing many fugitives. In 1866, the state officially moved the penitentiary to a 26 acre (110,000 m 2 ) site in Salem, surrounded by 14 feet (4.3 m) reinforced concrete walls. The prison also began using a device called "Gardner Shackles" (later called "Oregon Boot"), a heavy metal apparatus attached to the prison's foot to block movement.

The escape continues at the new facility, though the walls and Boot. The most famous of these occurred in 1902, when Harry Tracy and David Merrill killed three guards with a gun. Details about this period can be read in Thirteen Years in Oregon State Penitentiary , a book written by Joseph "Bunko" Kelly. Kelly describes scenes of extreme brutality, especially beating, which she tells white, black, Indian, and "half Chinese boy and half Chinese." He describes negligent doctors and lack of mental health care, and complains that drinking whiskey affects the behavior of the guards. He also identified a five-year period in which wardens stopped sending newspapers to prevent prisoners from learning forgiveness. The prison announced in 1904 that it would end the use of the whip, rather than punishing the prisoners by spraying them with cold water from the garden hose.

The prison experimented briefly in 1917-1918 with a "honor system" in which 130 prisoners were released under certain conditions. Detainees were released to work outside the prison during the day. After 66 people fled, Governor James Withycombe announced that he would find a way for them to work inside the prison facility.

In the 1920s, Penitentiaries created a hemp factory that employed more than half of the inmates. Inmates work in construction and in the fields, and are paid $ 0.50- $ 1.00 per day. The factory was touted nationally as a way to make financial prisons financially independent, and to rehabilitate detainees by giving them something to do and prepare them for work. In 1925, OSP had the largest flax milling mill in the world, with 175 workers producing 100-150 tons of hemp per day.

With the help of the federal Education Bureau, OSP runs a unique and successful adult education program during the same era. With the prohibition, 80 of the 575 prisoners currently detained are moonshin. Nine prisoners were shot in a 1926 riot which began in prison canteens.

Seven hundred inmates were involved in the unrest on 1 August 1936, in response to a court ruling that made it more difficult for prisoners to be released after serving their minimum sentence. The riots were dropped by armed guards; one prisoner, Thomas Baughn, was killed and two were wounded. After seizing their weapons (and food, punishment), the prisoners begin to break windows and throw projectiles from their cells. Inmates at OSP performed a mass escape in December 1951, after receiving weapons from a sympathetic guard. The plan was thwarted by an informant, John Edward Ralph, who was quickly transferred to Folsom Prison for his own protection. The unrest continued until 1952 with civil disobedience and more escape attempts. More than 1300 prisoners went on an eight-day hunger strike in August to protest the alleged brutality of a guard named Morris Race. In October 1952, an escape attempt involving armed conflict with guards was suppressed with gunfire. On January 1, 1953, prison officials announced the discovery of a runaway tunnel unearthed by prisoner Robert Green. The tunnel is 12 feet underground and 50 feet long, reaching within 15 feet of the world beyond the OSP wall.

Major uprisings broke out in July 1953 when prisoners stopped working, broke down for food and improved medical care. They barricaded themselves in the cafeteria. Under instructions from Warden Clarence T. Gladden, the guards used tear gas to prevent prisoners from reaching the food supply. Angry detainees take control of most of the prisons and start a fire at the jute factory, laundry room, tailor room, and machine shop. Eventually the prisoners were subjugated by guards with tear gas, rifles, and rifles. 1100 Rebels are limited to baseball diamonds without food or water, with Warden Gladden saying they will stay there until "I'm sure they are converted". They stayed on the diamond for two days and one night, until twenty group leaders identified by the prison authorities surrendered, and the prisoners agreed to be searched individually.

In what may be the first officially confirmed sex-confirmation operation in prison, a DMAB prisoner changed his sex to a woman, through surgery and hormones, in the period prior to release in 1965.

Dissatisfaction continued in the 1960s. The public became aware that only 200 of the 1,200 prisoners in OSP actually had sentences calling for maximum security imprisonment; but all inmates are treated in accordance with the maximum safety standards. Prisoners continue to complain about medical care, dental care, and visitation rights.

The riot culminated in March 1968, in an insurrection that began with a surprise takeover from the prison control center. 700 prisoners took over the facility, lit a fire at a flour shop, and arrested 40 guards and prison officials. The hostages were released after prison officials announced the resignation of Warden Gladden (then 73 years), as well as immunity to the rioters. Prisoners were criticized for damaging the facilities that supported them. Ron Schmidt, press secretary of the Governor Tom McCall, said: "It's pure destruction, people are destroying everything that is beneficial to them." Two inmates were stabbed during the riots: Delmar DuBray, 30, was stabbed in the right kidney; Melvin Newell, 36, was stabbed in the stomach and crotch.

In November 1968, a suspension of work by 81 detainees in the laundry room was controlled by guards by the club, and the prisoners were placed in isolation

Also in 1968, the OSP inmates established UHURU, an organization dedicated to African-American culture, history, and service. Although prisons were skeptical at first, UHURU gained official support and had several hundred membership in 1982. OSP detainees were politically active in subsequent decades, holding political forums and communicating with Oregon NAACP. OSP began recruiting African American staff in 1981 in response to pressure from activist blacks.

In September 1988, 28 female prisoners at the Oregon Correctional Center launched a sit-in protest imposed by Superintendent Jail Robert H. Scheidler as the first in the history of the facility. On October 1, between four and eight women went on a hunger strike - inmate Jody Bedell fasted for 24 days before ending the strike. Sitting and hunger strikes are meant to attract attention, poor medical care, inadequate education programs and lack of washing and bathing machines. At that time, the prison was built for 80 women but it housed more than 140 women and only had one bathroom for every 43 inmates. The women who participated in the hunger strike were ordered to spend a year in the segregation unit and be fined $ 214.

Maps Oregon State Penitentiary

Facilities and programs

The prison is located on 194 hectares of land southeast of Salem, Oregon. The facility itself consists of ten acres, surrounded by a 25 foot wall that is patrolled by an armed prisoner.

Most houses in prison are in large cell blocks with most inmates housed in single human cells that have been converted into multiple human cells to increase capacity. Penitentiary also has a full-service hospital.

Intensive Management Unit

The Oregon Correctional Institution is the location of Oregon's first supermax unit: "Intensive Management Unit" (IMU), built in 1991. The Intensive Management Unit consisting of 196 beds provides housing and controls for those inmates and male inmates who interfere or pose a major threat to the general population in all departmental facilities. In 2006 the facility housed 147 people (out of a total of 784 across Oregon) in solitary confinement.

The conditions at the IMU were the object of public criticism, particularly triggered by several suicides of mentally ill prisoners. Former warden Brian Belleque also expressed doubts about possible rehabilitation at the IMU, saying: "We realize that 95 to 98 percent of these inmates will be your neighbors in the community. Prisoners at the OSP IMU were moved in 2009 to the Snake River Prison in Ontario, Oregon.

In 2010, ODOC began converting IMUs into psychiatric facilities, which will serve mentally ill prisoners from across Oregon. Some advocates for mental illness argue that IMU facilities are not suitable for treating mental illness because of "dark" and "crowded", and are generally designed for solitary confinement.

Death row

OSP has long been the site of the death penalty in Oregon. In November 2012, a line of deaths containing 34 men (with two men and one woman, also scheduled for execution, detained elsewhere for medical reasons). Death row includes famous serial killers like Dayton Leroy Rogers. OSP also contains a lethal injection chamber where the prisoners are executed.

Executions in Oregon were conducted publicly by the county until 1902, when they were centralized (and made less spectacular) in the State Penitentiary. Because the US Supreme Court reaffirms the death penalty at Gregg v. Georgia (1976), Oregon has executed only two people: Douglas Wright, in 1996, and Harry Charles Moore, in 1997. Governor John Kitzhaber announced an official moratorium on execution in November 2011. OSP prisoner Gary Haugen says he is ready to die and have attempted to free this neglect and be executed.


The Oregon State Prison is home to a nursing home, run by volunteers from the prison population. The current incarnation of the nursing home began in 1999, and won the "Program of the Year Award" from the National Commission on Prison Health Care in 2001. OSP Hospital is at the forefront of national prison jail trends - reacting to an increase in death prison due to the HIV epidemic/AIDS and from harsher punishment laws. The volunteer-based structure of the program has served as a model for other institutions.

Minimum security attachment

The Oregon State Penitentiary has a separate minimum security facility located in its yard. It first opened in 1964 as Oregon's first female prison, and is called Oregon Women's Correctional Center. In 2010, the state closed the minimum security attachment.

The Wall

Criticism and legal action

Prisoners and supporters have accused the OSP system of racism, saying that the system discriminates against black inmates - both by putting them in worse conditions and failing to protect them from racially motivated violence. They cite the case of Pete Wilson, a black prisoner stabbed by ten white prisoners while white guard sees. Black inmates also accuse OSP libraries by showing racial biases in access and employment. A black prisoner describes their opinion of the causes and effects of this bias:

Blacks and other minorities in OSP have an acute problem with librarians when it comes to getting them access to court. First we recognize racism is a traditionally ingrained attitude. And second, the prison is a reflection of those views. Therefore, Blacks and others in their own struggle toward the path of freedom through improvement in our courts. But quite often librarians try to block this effort in various ways. It's like telling a prisoner that the stamp of a notary is broken and of course this tactic will last for two or three weeks until one of the counselors stops it, because if the librarian does not foresee the document, they should do the work..

Detainees accused homophobic OSP guards, censoring homosexual material in male prisons and contacts among inmates in women's prisons (closed in 2010). In 1982, the prisoners filed a class action lawsuit against the prison, alleging that their right to receive the letter had been violated. In particular, they accused prison officials of censoring letters by holding "non-approved" material, including material related to homosexuality. District Judge Owen Panner ruled for prisoners and the ACLU, who ruled that the blacklist of several publications and materials (including those related to homosexuality) violated the right of the First and Fourteenth Amendment of the detainees. However, some advocates believe that legal decisions will not have much effect. Carole Pope, a former detainee at OSP, said: "We have five major lawsuits, after each, there is a change of sign, then back to its original state.They [prison officials] did not take this seriously.

In 1977, three inmates (two current and one former) filed a lawsuit stating that they had been harmed by a medical experiment using drugs and radiation. The experiment was conducted voluntarily and affected 67 prisoners, who paid $ 125 each.

Jerry's Brokendown Palaces: Oregon State Penitentiary, 2575 Center ...

In popular culture

Oregon State Prison appeared in the 2001 Bandit film opening scene, during the escape scene in which two protagonists were forcibly released from jail and then resumed at a bank robbery party. The "Gardner Shackles" (later called "Oregon Boot") featured in the March 16, 1960 episode of Wagon Train, "The Alexander Portlass Story", and in the January 27, 1957 episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, "The Manacled."

Commissioners Tour Oregon State Penitentiary รข€

Leading Prisoner

List of inmates (with date of detention) in the Oregon State Penitentiary :

  • Richard Laurence Marquette (1961-1973, since 1975)
  • Randall Woodfield (since 1981) - "Killer I-5"; wounded in OSP in 1983; filed a (unsuccessful) lawsuit in 1987 against author Ann Rule for issuing a defamatory account of his case
  • Gary Haugen (since 1981) - killed David Polin, another OSP prisoner, in 2003; in the death penalty, amid an ongoing legal dispute over whether Haugen himself can refuse to postpone Governor Kitzhaber's death penalty
  • Dayton Leroy Rogers (since 1989) - in the midst of a legal plea to avoid the death penalty
  • Bradly Morris Cunningham (since 1995) - served a life sentence for killing his ex-wife and mother from his three sons, Cheryl Keeton. The author of the true crime and writer Ann Rule wrote the bestselling book "Dead by the Sunset" in 1995. The book focuses on Cheryl's bitter and bitter divorce and power struggles over their son and Cheryl's murder by Bradly. The film made for television also titled "Dead by Sunset" aired on the MSNBC television network in 1995 as well. The film is based on Anne Rule's book. Bradly also wrote and published an ebook titled "Ann Rule Deconstructed". The copyright is 2013. In his ebook, Bradly accused Anne Rule of being a liar and greatly exaggerated with respect to her "Dead By Sunset" book.
  • Keith Hunter Jesperson (since 1995) - "Happy Face Killer"
  • Christian Longo (since 2003) - On death sentence for the murder of his wife and three children.

Former inmates

  • Hank Vaughan (1865-1870) - moved from prison from Portland to Salem, narrowly avoiding murder monsters; freed early for good behavior, moved to Nevada, and became a blacksmith
  • Joseph "Bunko" Kelly (1895-1908) - was released; author of Thirty Years In Oregon Prison
  • Harry Tracy (1901-1902) - run away, commit suicide when threatened captured
  • Carl Panzram (1915-1918) - escaped, assumed a false identity, committed more crimes, was arrested in 1928 in Washington, D.C., imprisoned in USP Leavenworth and executed there in 1930 Albert Rosser (1938, 1939-1943) - held then released by residence, facing a 12-year sentence from the Oregon Supreme Court; imprisoned in 1939; released after four years' minimum sentence with good behavior; the Oregon team secretary, dubbed "labor terrorist" and convicted of involvement in arson at the West Salem Box plant; testified while imprisoned for the trial of Harry Bridges
  • John Omar Pinson (1947-1959) - was released after six years of well behaved; accused of murdering police officer Delmond E. Rondeau and burning flax mills in 1949; profiled on Gang Busters television show!
  • Gary Gilmore (1962,1964-1972, 1972-1975) - was released to a shelter, quickly convicted of new crime, imprisoned, transferred to USP Marion for bad behavior, released to Utah in April 1976, committing several murders in July 1976, executed in January 1977
  • Jerry Brudos (1969-2006) - died of liver cancer; The longest OSP population
  • Randal Krager (1992-1994, 1995-1996) - released, recaptured, pardoned; founded Volksfront in 1994 while in prison
  • Harry Charles Moore (1993-1997) - was executed with a lethal injection
  • Bobby Jack Fowler (1996-2006) - connected with the Highway of Tears murder, died in prison of lung cancer
  • George Hayford (1858-?), lawyer and fraudster

Questions of justice

See also

  • List of prisons and jails of Oregon
  • List of death penalty inmates in the US (Oregon)
  • Harry Minto

Oregon | Solitary Watch



  • Hubert Howe Bancroft, History of Oregon Vol. II: 1848-1888 ', San Francisco: The History Company, 1888.
  • Joseph "Bunko" Kelly, Thirteen Years in Oregon Correctional Institution , 1908

List of Oregon prisons and jails - Wikipedia

External links

Media linked to the Oregon State Penitentiary on Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
