Yantra (??????) (Sanskrit) (literally "machine, tool" [1]) is a mystical diagram, especially of the Tantric tradition of Indian religions. They are used for the worship of gods in temples or at home; as aids in meditation; used for the benefits provided by their supernatural powers allegedly based on Hindu astrology and tantric texts. They are also used for floor temple jewelry, mainly because of their aesthetics and their symmetrical qualities. Specific yantra has traditionally been associated with a particular deity.
The yantra representation in India has been attributed to 11,000-10,000 years of BP. The Baghor Stone, found in the upper-paleolithic context of the River Son valley, is considered the earliest example by Sharma, who was involved in the excavation. The triangular stone, which includes a triangular engraving on one side, is found smeared in ocher, in what is considered a worship-related site. The goddess worship in the region was found practiced in a manner similar to today. Kenoyer, who was also involved in the excavation, considers him associated with Shakti.
In Sanskrit Rigvedic, it means an instrument to hold or bind, buffer, support or barrier, etymologically from the root yam "to maintain, support" and the suffix -tra express the instrument. The literal meaning is still evident in the medical terminology of the Sushruta, in which the term refers to blunt surgical instruments such as tweezers or representatives. The meaning of "mystical or occult diagrams" appeared in the medieval period (Kathasaritsagara, Pancharatra).
Madhu Khanna in connecting spells, yantra, deva, and forms of thought states:
Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables written in yantras, are essentially "mind-forms" representing the divinity or cosmic forces, which use their influence with sounds.
Video Yantra
Usage and meaning
Yantra is usually associated with a particular god and used for special benefits, such as: for meditation; protection from harmful influences; the development of certain strengths; appeal of wealth or success, etc. They are often used in daily ritual worship at home or in temples, and sometimes worn as amulets.
As a help for meditation, yantras represents the god who is the object of meditation. This yantras comes from the central point, bindu . Yantra usually has some concentric geometric shapes radiating from the center, including triangles, circles, hexagons, octagos, and symbolic lotus petals. Incredible include a box that represents the four directions of the wind, with a door for each. The popular form is Sri Chakra, or Sri Yantra, who represents the goddess in his form as Tripura Sundari. Sri Chakra also includes the representation of Shiva, and is designed to show the totality of creation and existence, along with the personal unity of the user with the cosmos.
Yantra can be on flat or three-dimensional surface. Yantras can be drawn or painted on paper, engraved on metal, or flat surfaces. They tend to be smaller in size than the same mandala, and traditionally use fewer colors than the mandala.
Hidden occultism is used as a talisman of fortune, to ward off evil, as a preventative medicine, in exorcism, etc., by using their magical powers. When used as a talisman, yantra is considered to represent a god who can be summoned at will by the user. They are traditionally ordained and energized by a priest, including the use of mantras that are closely related to certain deities and yantras. Practitioners believe that the non-energized yantra with spell is lifeless.
Gudrun BÃÆ'ühneman classifies three common types of yantras based on their use:
- Yantras used as a basis for ritual tools such as lamps, ships, etc. This is usually a simple geometric shape where the tool is placed.
- Yantras are used in regular worship, such as Sri Yantra. These include geometric diagrams and are energized by mantras to deities, and sometimes include written spells in the design.
- Yantras are used in certain desire-oriented rites. Yantras are often made on birch bark or paper, and can include special ingredients such as flowers, rice paste, ash, etc.
Maps Yantra
Structural elements and symbolism
Yantra consists of geometric shapes, drawings, and written spells. Triangles and hexagrams are common, such as circles and lotus flowers 4 to 1,000 petals. Saiva and Shakta yantras often display the fork of the trishula.
- Mantra
- Yantras often includes mantras written in Sanskrit. Madhu Khanna writes that, "Yantra and mantra are always found together. The sound is considered as important as the inner form of the yantra, if not more important, because the form in essence is a condensed sound as matter."
- Color
- The use of colors in the traditional yantra is entirely symbolic, and not just decorative or artistic. Each color is used to show the idea and state of consciousness. White/Red/Black is one of the most significant color combinations, representing the three qualities or gunas natural ( Prakriti ). White represents sattwa or purity; red represents rajas or activation quality; black represents tamas or the quality of inertia. Certain colors also represent certain aspects of the goddess. Not all text gives the same color for yantras. Aesthetics and art are meaningless in the yantra if they are not based on color symbolism and geometric shapes.
- Bindu
- The central point of the traditional yantra has a bindu or dot, which represents the main deity associated with the yantra. Gods groups are often represented in geometric sections around the center. Hinduism in the yantra can be represented by dots or small circles, or may remain invisible. It represents the point from which all creation originated. Sometimes, as in the case of Linga Bhairavi yantra, bindu can be presented in the form of a phallus.
- Triangle
- Most Hindu yantras include a triangle. The downward pointing triangle represents the feminine aspect of God or Shakti, a triangle pointing upwards representing a masculine aspect like Shiva.
- Hexagram
- Hexagrams as shown in yantras are two equally interlinked triangles, representing the union of the divine male and female aspects, or Shiva and Shakti.
- Lotus
- Mandala and yantras both often include the lotus petals, which represent purity and transcendence. Eight common petals, but lotus in yantras can include 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24, 32, 100, 1000 or more petals.
- Circle
- Many mandalas have three concentric circles at the center, representing manifestations.
- Outside box
- Many mandalas have a square or outer box, representing the earth and the four directions of the wind. Often they include a sacred door on each side of the square.
- Pentagram
- Yantras rarely uses pentagram. Some yantras Guhyakali have pentagram, because number five is associated with Kali.
- Octagon
- Octagon is also rare in yantras, where they represent eight directions.
The design of Yantra in modern times has deviated from the traditional patterns given in ancient texts and traditions. Designers in India and Nepal can copy design elements from Western imitations of yantras.
See also
- Sri Yantra
- Yantra Tattoo
- Sriramachakra
- Sigil (magic)
Further reading
- Rana, Deepak (2012), Yantra, Mantra and Tantrism , United States: Neepradaka Press, ISBNÃ, 0-9564928 -3 -5
- Bucknell, Roderick; Stuart-Fox, Martin (1986), The Twilight Language: Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism , London: Curzon Press, ISBN 0-312-82540-4
- Khanna, Madhu (2003). Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity. Deep Tradition. ISBN à ± 0-89281-132-3 & amp; ISBN 978-0-89281-132-8 White, David Gordon (1996), Alchemical Body: Siddha Tradition in Medieval India, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-89499- 1
Source of the article : Wikipedia