Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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Dwyane Johnson Attends Local Corrections' Boot Camp Graduation ...

Training camp can be part of a penitentiary and correctional system in some countries. Modeled after military recruitment training camps, these programs are based on cruel detention based on military techniques. The aggressive training used has resulted in death in various circumstances. Boot camps are also criticized worldwide for lack of behavioral changes and because extreme power can cause trauma to children and adolescents.

Video Boot camp (correctional)

Worldwide use


In Australia, Queensland state Prime Minister Campbell Newman announced that boots for convicted youth will open in Townsville and Rockhampton in September 2013, along with two other camps.


In Canada, participation in the training camp program is voluntary, so to avoid any challenge under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where treatment at the training camp can be seen as a violation of the youth's right not to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment and to ensure security someone. Canada started a training camp project for non-violent teenagers with a difference from the American model. The first opened in 1997 in Ontario. Unlike in the US system it is not possible to trade or shorten a prison term with a significantly shorter boot camp program.

Canadian training camps have no duration of 90 to 180 days and they are restricted to teenagers under 18, and not yet open to female offenders. The judges did not directly have the authority to send youths to the training camp. They can impose a safe or open prisoner sentence. The latter is defined as, "a community settlement center, group house, child or forest care or wilderness institution..." After an open prison sentence is given, a correctional official decides whether a sentence is presented in a training camp program. But the final decision lies in young people and decisions are made purely on the benefits of the program because the time served remains the same.

The Canadian system is too new to show comparable results but research has been conducted among US training camps with different emphases, eg. more about medicine or drug education than just military training. According to treatment findings have a slightly positive impact on the reduction of recidivism over strict discipline.

New Zealand

New Zealand established the first training camp in 1971 but they were abandoned in 1981. The training camp was regarded as a failure with a 71% rate of retaliation among corrective training participants. Before elected to the Government in 2008, the National Party issued a policy of using training camps for those who have drug problems. The Fifth National Government introduces a military-style activity camp (MAC) run by the New Zealand Defense Forces for the most serious of the most serious recidivist offenders involving marching, mentoring, alcohol and drug treatment programs, education and returning back to the Community. The government also launched a nine-week camp for the most serious and serious offenders in Christchurch in 2010 and a court-supervised program that provides up to ten days of adventure camp activities. While Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett claims that the programs have succeeded in bringing down the violations between the groups, this is disputed by science adviser John Key Prime Minister Sir Peter Gluckman in the 2011 report. The New Zealand Family Commission concluded that military camps and other acts curfew with electronic monitoring can not reduce backlash on its own and that the most successful rehabilitation programs involve the offender's family.

On August 13, 2017 Prime Minister Bill English promised to set up a training camp known as the "Junior Training Academy" for young offenders at Waiouru Military Camp during the 2017 election campaign. The English clarified that the camp would be reserved for a small group of about 150 young offenders who have committed serious offenses including serious assaults, sexual harassment, robbery and murder are exacerbated. In response, Justice's Justice group Justice youth justice Katie Bruce criticized the proposed training camp policy and argued that it would do little to rein in younger actors. The proposed national policy was criticized by radio host Mark Sainsbury, leader of the Gareth Morgan Opportunity Party, New Zealand, first leader Winston Peters, and psychologist University of Canterbury and author Jarrod Gilbert, who argued that the policy was aimed at attracting voters rather than helping young offenders and previous training camp programs failed. The training camp policy was also criticized by National support partner, Party M? Ori, and the opposition Green Party for doing little to address the offending youth in the M community? Ori and Pasifika. David Seymour, leader of the national support partner, ACT Party, criticized the training camp policy as a sign of the Government's failure to deal with the "messy family" and youth crime.

United States

The first training camps emerged in the state of Georgia and Oklahoma in 1983. Training camps were meant to be less restrictive than prison but harder than probation.

In most U.S. states, participation in training camp programs offered to young offenders first replaces prison sentences or probation; in some countries, a youth may also be punished for participating in such a program. The time served can range from 90 to 180 days, which can replace up to 10 years in prison. The federal shock detention program is authorized under 18 U.S.C. Ã,§ 4046, although its placement requires the consent of the prisoner.

In 1995, the US federal government and about two-thirds of the 50 states run a training camp program. Currently, there are no statistics on how many training camps exist in the U.S. today. In 2000, 51 training camps were still open.

There are many types of training camps. Some training camps are more therapeutic. Training camps such as West Ridge Academy in West Jordan, Utah offer a wide range of activities, academics and nursery school programs to provide students with a thorough education.

State-run boot camps were banned in Florida on June 1, 2006 through a law signed by Florida Governor Jeb Bush after 14-year-old Martin Lee Anderson died during his tenure at a training camp. Anderson died when the training instructor hit him and encouraged him to continue his physical work after he collapsed. While Anderson was unconscious, the guard placed a tablet of ammonia near his nose in an attempt to revive him, and he suffocated. Anderson attends Bay County Boot Camp in Panama City, Florida. The Victory Forge Military Academy in Florida has been under close scrutiny of its methods, which limit physical violence. The defense of the camp is that parents have signed contracts authorizing the use of physical force against their children.

Maps Boot camp (correctional)


Training camps claim to exclude children "from environments that are full of negative influences and trigger events that result in self-destructive, reckless or self-destructive behavior". Other types of programs (see outdoor education, adventure therapy, and wilderness therapy) use this method while avoiding all or part of the training camp's controversial methods, and they claim lower recidivism.

Prison Culture » I am really against boot camp…

See also

  • Behavior modification facility
  • Fitness training camp
  • Rock and a Hard Place , the HBO documentary about the US youth training camp.

As Boot-Camp Prisons Fade, New York Inmates March On - WSJ


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Further reading

  • Start, P. Training Camp: Issues to Consider. (Ottawa: Library of Parliament, September 1996).
  • "BHIP: The Study of Finding a Training Camp Has a High Departure.", February 18, 1998
  • Cowles et al. Drug Treatment and Boot Camp Treatment Interventions: Evaluation Review. (Washington: National Institute of Justice, July 1995).
  • Jones, P. Young Offenders and Law. (North York: Captus Press, 1994).
  • Mackenzie et al. "Kampung Drilling and Residivism Prison in the Eight Countries." Canadian Journal of Criminology (1995), Vol. 3, No. 3: 327-355.
  • McNaught, A. Training Camp. (Toronto: Legislative Research Service, December 1995).
  • Training Camp: Issues for Canada (PDF) . John Howard Society of Alberta. 1996 title = "ctx_ver = Z39.88-2004 & amp
  • Rhue, Morton (Todd Strasser) (2010). Boot-Camp . Ravensburger Buchverl. ISBNÃ, 9783473582556

As Boot-Camp Prisons Fade, New York Inmates March On - WSJ

External links

  • Training camp at Project NoSpank

Source of the article : Wikipedia
