Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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A female condom (also known as femidom or an internal condom ) is a tool used during intercourse as a barrier contraception to reduce the risk of a sexually transmitted infection ( STIs - such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV, although their protection is lower than that of male condoms) and unwanted pregnancies. Invented by Danish MD Lasse Hessel, it is worn internally by female partners and provides a physical barrier to prevent exposure to semen ejaculation or other body fluids. Female condoms may be used by receptive pairs during anal sex.

The female condom is a thin, soft, loose sheath with a flexible ring at each end. They usually come in different sizes. For most vaginas, moderate-sized condoms are sufficient; Newborn women should try large size first. The inner ring on the closed end of the sheath is used to insert the condom inside the vagina and hold it during intercourse. The outer ring which is rolled up on the open end of the sheath remains outside the vagina and covers part of the external genitalia.

Female condoms were developed at the end of the 20th century (male condoms have been used for centuries). The main motive for its creation is the well-documented refusal of some men to use condoms because of the loss of sensation and the resulting impact on male erectile violence, and secondly by the implication that men can transmit STIs.

Video Female condom

Versions and materials

Female condom FC1 was first made from polyurethane. The second-generation female condom is called FC2 and is made of synthetic nitrile (this material change was announced in September 2005, and the full transition from product line to FC2 was done in October 2009). The newer nitrile condom tends not to potentially make annoying wrinkles. FC2 was developed to replace FC1, providing the same security and effectiveness when used, but at a lower cost. It is hoped that nitrile condoms will also allow significant reductions in female condom prices. FC2 is produced by The Female Health Company. The World Health Organization (WHO) has freed FC2 to be purchased by US agencies and UNFPA (a UN agency) has incorporated female condoms into national programs. They are sold under many brand names, including Reality, Femidom, Dominique, Femy, Myfemy, Protectiv and Care .

The latest version of female condoms is made from natural latex, the same material used in male condoms. This condom does not make some sound experience with plastic condoms. This type of female condom is manufactured by Medtech Products Ltd, India. These are sold under various brand names, including Reddy , V Amour , L'amour , VA WOW Feminine condom , and Silk . One clinical trial is required before it can be considered for FDA approval in the United States.

The global nonprofit health program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) has also developed female condoms designed for use in developing countries. The Woman's Condom was produced by Shanghai Dahua Medical Apparatus in China and at the beginning of the introduction.

Maps Female condom

Products and manufacturers


Female condom FC2 is a 17 cm (6.7 inch) nitrile or pouch. At each end there is a flexible ring. At the closed end of the sheath, a flexible ring is inserted into the vagina to hold the woman's condom in place. The other end of the sheath is outside the vulva at the entrance of the vagina. This ring acts as a guide during penetration and stops the veil from shifting during intercourse. There is a silicone-based lubricant on the inside of the condom, but additional lubrication can be used. Condoms do not contain spermicides.

The original version of female FC condom (brand name including Reality, Femy and Femidom), made of polyurethane. Since this is a relatively expensive material, the female condom maker FC released the FC2 version made of cheaper nitrile material. Massive production of FC2 began in 2007. Condoms were approved by the FDA in March 2009. The original FC condom production has now stopped.

VA W.o.W.

VA w.o.w.Ã,® Feminine Condom (Reddy Female Condom) is manufactured by Medtech Products Ltd. This latex condom has a pouch attached to a spherical triangular opening and a sponge to secure it inside the woman's vagina. It is available through the private sector in several countries, including South Africa, Brazil, and India. VA w.o.w.Ã,® Feminine Condom recently received the CE mark, a certification that meets EU consumer health requirements. This is also being reviewed by WHO.

The Woman's Condom

The Woman's Condom, developed by PATH, through a user-centered design process, is a new female contraceptive tool designed to improve acceptability, ease of use, and good sensation. The Woman's Condom is a polyurethane bag that is partially covered in capsules to aid insertion. The capsule dissolves quickly after insertion in the vagina, which releases the bag. Condoms are then held stable in women with foam pads. The Woman's Condom is packed dry and comes with a small water-based lubhet sachet to be applied at the point of use. PATH licensed manufacturing and distribution of Woman's Condom to Shanghai Dahua Medical Apparatus Company in 2008. Dahua has received the certification mark of South Africa Bureau of Standards (SABS) (2013), Shanghai Food and Drug Administration Approval (2011), and CE Marking approval (2010 ) to Woman's Condom, which allows for the marketing and distribution of products in South Africa, China and Europe, respectively. The Woman's Condom is currently under review by the WHO/United Nations Population Funding Technical Review Committee; the approval of the Committee may lead to mass public sector purchases by United Nations agencies.

Sensor Natural Women's Sensation

Sensation Nature Panty Condom is distributed in the US exclusively by ACME Condom Company. It is produced by Natural Sensation CompaÃÆ' Â ± he Ltda. (NS) based in BogotÃÆ'¡, Colombia. The product is made of polyethylene resin, which is stronger and thinner than latex. Unlike latex, polyethylene is anti-allergic, highly sensitive, transparent and odorless. The Natural Sensation condens are lubricated and can be used with oil or water-based lubricants.

The Phoenurse Female Condom

Phoenurse â„¢ is made from a dumbbell polyurethane sheath and fitted with insertion tools, lubricants, sanitary towels, and water or silicone disposal bags. It is manufactured by Tianjin Polyurethane Tech Medical Condombao. Co Ltd and approved for sale in the European Economic Area. Phoenurse female condoms are also available in Brazil, Sri Lanka, China, Kenya, and Mexico. It has not been approved by the FDA.

Cupid's Female Condom Cupid's Female Condom

Origami Female Condom

The ORIGAMI Female Condom (TM) (OFC) is made in silicone formed for anatomical suitability. It was validated as 100% biocompatible and non-allergen in independent pre-clinical laboratory testing. Condoms have not been approved for sale and should be reviewed by WHO, C-Mark (EU), and FDA to meet regulatory security requirements. OFC is in clinical trials in San Francisco, CA in collaboration with the Global Women's Health Imperative at RTI, International. Large-scale clinical trials should be followed by 2014, to evaluate their performance and safety. It has been expected to reach the market by the end of 2015, awaiting pre-market regulatory approval. Until January 2017, no results were available from the initial feasibility study. Unfortunately, the pending lawsuit involving alleged embezzlement meant that Origami, in February 2017, was suspended indefinitely from reaching the market.

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Proper usage

To enter FC2:

  • Insert the lubricant on the outside of the closed end.
  • Find a comfortable position. (Stand with one foot on a chair, sit on the edge of a chair, lie down, or squat.)
  • Squeeze the sides of the inner ring on the closed end of FC2 and insert it into the vagina as you did on the tampon.
  • Push the inner ring into the vagina as far as possible - until it reaches the cervix.
  • Pull out the finger and let the outer ring hang about an inch outside the vagina.

During intercourse, female condoms move from side to side. Stop the relationship if the penis slips between the condom and the vaginal wall or if the outer ring is pushed into the vagina. As long as the couple has not ejaculated, condoms may be gently removed from the vagina to add extra spermicide or lubricant and inserted once more. Some consumers use FC2 for anal intercourse, though not tested or FDA approved for this off-label use. Nevertheless, some consumers have followed the instruction of vaginal use to insert FC2 into the anus; However it does not recommend to delete and re-enter.

To remove FC2:

  • Squeeze and turn the FC2 outer ring to keep the semen in the bag.
  • Pull slowly out of the vagina or anus.
  • Discard. Do not flush it down the toilet.

Reusing FC2 is not recommended.

ShowMe - female condom

Cost and "reuse" of original FC and FC2

The price per female condom unit is higher than that of male condoms but there is some evidence to suggest that female polyurethane condoms can be washed, disinfected, and reused.

Reuse of female polyurethane condoms is not considered safe as using a new one; but WHO says, "Many new unused female condoms are subjected to seven disinfection, washing, drying and lubrication cycles, reflecting the steps and procedures in the protocol design, but at higher whitener concentrations and for longer periods of time All batches of female condoms meet the manufacturing quality assessment specification for structural integrity after the test cycle... Disinfection, washing, drying, lubrication and reuse of the device unrelated to penile discharges, vaginal irritation of symptoms or adverse colposcopy findings in study volunteers. " A presentation at the 1998 International AIDS conference concluded that "washing, drying and re-lubricating female condoms up to ten times did not significantly alter the structural integrity of the device." Further microbiological and virological testing is needed before female reuse condoms can be recommended. "

Research shows that female condoms FC2 is a cost-effective method of HIV prevention even at low usage levels. The data show that cost effectiveness will increase significantly at higher usage levels. A study conducted in 2005 by Dr. David Holtgrave, Chair of the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University, examined the public health impacts projected that FC2 female condoms would have different usage levels in two developing countries: South Africa and Brazil. The study concludes that the use of FC2 will result in significant cost savings at all levels of implementation by preventing thousands of HIV infections and saving millions of dollars in health care costs. There is some evidence to suggest that the effectiveness of female condoms in preventing HIV transmission may be similar to that of male condoms.

3d model female condom


As with all barrier contraceptives, silicone-based water or lubricants are safe for use with female condoms. Oil should not be used with female condoms made of latex.

FC2 Female Condom is pre-lubricated with non-spermisidal silicone-based lubricants. FC2 is made of nitrile so oil-based (or water-based) lubricants can be added on the inside and outside of the FC2 Female Condom or on the penis.

Female Condoms | How To Use Female Condom Step By Step Correctly ...


When used properly, female condoms have a 5% failure rate. Inconsistent or incorrect usage has been shown to result in a 21% failure rate.

Some of the benefits of female condoms over other birth control methods include:

  • they allow women to share responsibility for preventing IMS
  • safe to use for latex allergy sufferers
  • they can be used with water-based lubricants and (unlike condoms latex) with oil-based lubricants
  • they have no effect on women's natural hormone levels
  • they can be purchased without a prescription
  • they can increase sex and sexual play for both partners - the external ring of the condom can stimulate the clitoris and/or the penis during intercourse
  • they do not rely on male partners to keep their erections in place

Some of the disadvantages of a female condom include:

  • may cause irritation of the genital area in persons of both sexes (including irritation of the vagina, vulva, penis, or anus)
  • may slip into the vagina or anus during intercourse or anal intercourse
  • it can reduce the sensation during intercourse

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FC2 Female Condom gives women control and choice of their own sexual health; women can protect themselves when their partner does not want to use male condoms; female condoms can provide a better sensation for men than male condoms; FC2 is hypo allergic and safe to use with people allergic to rubber latex; FC2 may be entered hours before intercourse; a female condom does not depend on an erect penis for insertion and does not require immediate withdrawal after ejaculation; FC2 is not tight or narrow; FC2 is highly lubricated and the material warms to body temperature.

The external genitalia of the wearer and the base of the penis of the inserting partner may be more protected (from skin-to-skin-transmitted STIs such as herpes and HPV) than when male condoms are used; But look at the study below (referral?).

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Worldwide use

Female condom sales are very low in developed countries, although developing countries increasingly use them to complement existing family planning and HIV/AIDS programs. The likely cause of poor sales is that incorporating female condoms is a skill that must be learned and that female condoms can be significantly more expensive than male condoms (more than 2 or 3 times the cost). Also, reporting "rustling" sounds from the original version of female condoms during intercourse turned off some potential users, as did the visibility of the outer ring that remained outside the vagina.

In November 2005, the World YWCA called on national health ministries and international donors to commit to purchase 180 million female condoms for global distribution in 2006, stating that "Female condoms remain the only tool for HIV prevention that can be started and controlled by women, "but that they remain inaccessible to women in developing countries because of their high cost of 72 cents per piece. If 180 million female condoms are ordered, the price of one female condom is projected to decrease to 22 Â ¢.

In 2005, 12 million female condoms were distributed to women in developing countries. In comparison, between 6 and 9 billion male condoms were distributed that year.

महिला कंडोम के लाभ - Benefits of Female Condom In ...

Awareness and access

Recently, a number of initiatives have been made by international and intergovernmental organizations to expand access to female condoms. In 2012, the UN Commission to Save the Lives of Commodities for Women and Children (UNCoLSC) supports female condoms as one of its 13 Thrifty Commodities, catalyzing inter-organization efforts to address some of the special barriers commodities currently hamper women in developing countries from benefiting from this product.

Price has become one of the main obstacles in expanding access to female condoms on an international level. Female condom costs an average of US $ 2-4, depending on local market factors. At the 2012 London Family Planning Summit, the Women's Health Company pledged to increase access to FC2Ã,® female condoms for the world's poorest countries and announce prospective pricing arrangements based on aggregate purchases and 5 percent of free goods based on previous year's purchase, together with the agreement multiyear to provide $ 14 million in training and education by FHC over the next six years.

Cupid (TM) female condoms have been sold in the Kyrgyz Republic through UNFPA for their public distribution system. The Woman's Condom has been sold to the public sector in China. Globally, it is recognized that further price reductions are needed to achieve universal access to female condoms. Based on market analysis it is desirable that sustainable price reductions are feasible.

female condom -


Prevention Now!

Health Prevention and Gender Equity Center Now! The campaign promotes the use of male and female condoms as a means to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS; reducing unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and unsafe unsafe sexual relationships; promoting the health and sexual and reproductive rights of all persons; and expanding options for those living with HIV/AIDS.

Put the Ring on it!

Women's Campaign Women's Condom is a coalition of HIV/AIDS, reproductive equity, women's health, and gay men's health organizations dedicated to improving women's access, affordability, availability, awareness and utilization. Major partners include the Chicago AIDS Foundation, the Chicago Women's AIDS Project, the Illinois Caucus for Youth Health, the Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative, the Mujeres Latinas en Accion, and Planned Parenthood of Illinois.

Female Condom Stock Photos & Female Condom Stock Images - Alamy

See also

  • Reproductive Health Coalition

Best Female Condom, Best Female Condom Suppliers and Manufacturers ...


External links

  • Female condom in EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica
  • "What happened to Femidom?" in Guardian
  • Women's National Strategy Condom 2006 to 2010/Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, Zimbabwe (2006)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
