Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

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Tennis Serve Technique â€
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A serving (or, more formally, service ) in tennis is a shot to start a point. A player will hit the ball with a racket so it will fall into the opposite diagonal service box without being stopped by the net. Usually players start the service by throwing the ball into the air and hitting it (usually near the highest point of the lottery). The ball can only touch the net when it returns and will be considered good if it falls on the opposite side. If the ball contacts the net on the serve but then proceeds to the appropriate service box, this is called let ; this is not a legal service in the main tour (but see below) even if it's not a mistake . Players usually serve overhead, but serving under the hand, though rarely, is allowed. Service is the only shot that players can take their time to set up instead of having to react to the opponent's shot. But in 2012, there is a limit of 25 seconds to be allowed between points.

Service is one of the more difficult shots for beginners, but once mastered, it can be a considerable advantage. Skilled players can serve in various ways and often use it as an offensive weapon to earn profits at the point or to win it directly. Therefore, players above the beginner level are expected to win most of their service games, and the ability to break opponent services plays an important role in a match.

To serve each, the server stands behind the baseline without touching it. For the first point of each game, the server stands to the right of the center point of the baseline and serves diagonally across the net to the left side (from the server perspective) of the court, into a service box that extends to the service marching about the middle to the opposing court. For the second point of the game, serve diagonally from left to right side of field, and for every next point of the same game, positioning is the opposite of that at the previous point.

Video Serve (tennis)


Service efforts can result in any of the following results:

  • good service
  • let
  • error
  • (very rarely) a direct award from point to server.


A good service occurs when a legally delivered ball landed on a cross-court service box or on a line through it without touching anything in the flight.


A let occurs when a legally delivered ball is landing in the cross-court service box after touching the net cable (but not a clean post or other object). Play stops immediately, and the server is allowed another attempt. The referee (or opposing player when there is no referee) will usually say "leave" or "clean" to signal to the server that has occurred. Allows more frequent on the first serve, because the server is more careful on the success of the second service.


There are several reasons why a service attempt can cause errors.

  • foot error occurs when the server takes an illegal position while serving. The server foot may only touch the ground behind the bottom line, between the midline and sideline extensions. The server foot should not touch baseline or extension from the midline or sideline anytime before the ball is hit. The server is also required to remain roughly in the same position to prevent the opponent being misled where the service will come from. Running or walking while serving is not allowed, but leaps are allowed.
  • Illegal release. The server must release the ball from one hand (exceptions made for one-handed players, who can use a racquet to release the ball).
  • Miss. If the server swings but loses the ball, it is an error. However, if the server releases the ball but does not try to hit it, there is no error and the server can repeat the service effort.
  • If the ball, before bouncing, hits any object other than a clean cable, a racket or an opposing body, it is an error. For example, if the ball on a net post and then bounces to the correct court, the service is still an error.
  • If the ball fails to clear the net, or bounces anywhere other than the cross-court mailbox, it's wrong.

After a mistake, the game stops immediately. If there is only one error at this point, the server is then allowed to make another attempt. If there are two errors at this point, the point is given to the recipient: this is known as a double error .

Awarding the server

At the service, the receiver is required to allow the ball to bounce before trying to hit it. In a very rare occurrence of a receiver racket or body touching a legally delivered ball before it bounces, the point is immediately given to the server.

Maps Serve (tennis)

First and second

A first service is done when there is no error at its core; a second service occurs when there is one error at its core. On the second service, the server is in danger of losing points if there are other errors.

Rules do not distinguish between first and second servicing. However, the tactics used are different. The first service is usually hit with the player's maximum strength, skill and trickery with the goal of winning points either directly or on the next blow, by forcing the recipient into an unfavorable position. The second service is usually more conservative to avoid double faults, and is usually hit with less power or higher curves. The second service often has more topspin and kicks the ball.

TENNIS SERVE | How Roger Federer Starts On His Serve - Tennis ...
src: i.ytimg.com


There are two popular attitudes in tennis serving: a platform attitude and a decisive attitude.

In the stage position, the legs are kept as wide as the width of the servis shoulder, providing stable support and easy weight removal from the back to the front foot. Hips rotate, and sometimes the back foot swings forward to complete the rotation of the pelvis.

In the right position, the legs begin to separate, but when the service runs, slide the hind legs or step forward until close or slightly behind the front foot. As a result, legs provide support and a very small balance may be a problem.

Advantages of platform establishment and positioning

Exactly provides better speed, because the legs come together as one unit, allowing them to push harder against the ground and gain more leg strength. However, the center of gravity moves more than the platform position, so players must have good body control to be able to contact the ball consistently.

Players will sacrifice some strength with the service platform, but their balance will be better so they should be more consistent. It's still possible to generate good strength with the service platform - some big servers, like Milos Raonic and Roger Federer, use platform platform variations.

Serving every player using will depend on each ability and what they most need - strength or consistency. If they already have good body control but want to generate extra power, they can try to determine the position. If consistency is their problem, they can use platform positions.

Alternative Position

The foundation of right position and position is a closed attitude. Over a very long time, players who use open attitude to serve have been regarded as a sign of tennis beginners. Things have changed in the last few years. At an elite level, Venus Williams has used a semi-open attitude to serve in the past (he re-uses traditional closed attitudes and stays on the old way now). In addition to Venus, Nikola Mektic and Viktor Troicki have both abandoned a closed attitude to using open attitudes to serve.

On 03/05/2018, an article titled "Forehand Serve" was published on LinkedIn, the details of new forms and techniques used not only in openness, but also in open grip and open wrist/passive arms, such as the open form and technique of the forehand modern.. With some elite players stepping into the form of open attitudes in the serve area, whether this will lead to more open forms and techniques in tennis games, it would be interesting to see.

The Key To Improving Your Top Spin Tennis Serve Technique | Feel ...
src: kcdnft-6f86.kxcdn.com


In tennis games, there are four commonly used services: "serve flat", "slice serve", "kick serve", and "underhand serve". All these services are legal in professional and amateur games.

The terms kick serve are ambiguous. It can be used as a synonym for American twist serve or twist. However, kick serve is usually used to refer to any service with heavy topspin or kick it.

The server can gain tactical advantage by varying the service type and the placement of the ball. Flat serve and slice serve are used primarily as the first functioning because they are more likely to generate ace or force errors, even though they require high accuracy. Seconds usually have a topspin or kick them, which makes them less likely to land on the net or out of bounds. Kick serve also makes a nice change as the first serve.


A flat serve is struck with a Continental grip (holding the racket as if it is the ax) and the direct swing path through the ball, which causes the ball to cut quickly through the air without turning. Some professional players can hit a flat serve at speeds close to 150 miles per hour (240 km/h).

A flat service should approach the net so that it has a small margin for error. Therefore, flat serve usually strikes straight in the middle, where the net is the lowest. They are usually delivered as first serve, when the server is not at risk of double error. The ball is thrown straight up and slightly forward for the optimal service point.

Slice/reverse slice

The slice serve was beaten with a sidepin, which required the server to brush the back of the ball towards their dominant side with a racket. This is generally beaten with Continental grip or East backhand grip (using the forehand face of a racket). The ball is thrown slightly to the server's dominant side then hit laterally on the dominant side of the server.

For left-handers, the sliced ​​serve flakes cause the ball to bend to the left. When the ball bounces, the ball slides and curves more to the left. A good slice curve can pull the width of 10 feet (3.0 m) from the single sideline to play the ball. Because the serving slice has little or no topspin on it, it can not be aimed high above the net and has a slight margin for error. Therefore, it is generally used as the first service. It can be used for the receiver, to pull the receiver out of position, or to "jam" the receiver by serving a sharp curve toward his body.

Inverted service pieces (or deep serve) are analogous to screwball balls in baseball. It was hit with the opposite spin of the serve. The server had to support his racket arm and sweep the racket all over his body while hitting the ball while hitting the back slice serve. Since the reverse direction used is reversed relative to the standard slice service, the slice piece presented from the right-handed player will have the same movement as the slices served by left-handers, and otherwise .

In professional and amateur tennis, iris serve is rarely used except as a novelty. As the word reverse is defined, one must hit the opposite side and opposite the path of the attacked slice.

Kick/topspin/American twist/Kickback

Holcombe Ward and Dwight Davis introduced the kick/American twist serve in the late 1800s. The serving kick (or topspin) is generated by throwing the ball over the head, then hitting it laterally on the non-dominant side of the server brushing upwards towards the dominant side. When hit properly, the ball clears the net in a high arc with a heavy topspin, causing the ball to enter into the service box. When touching the surface of the field, the ball can bounce high towards the receiver for the kick service, or left to the receiver for American twist service. The physics of a spinning ball in flight involves the Magnus effect because the spinning ball creates an air vortex around itself. Rotating the service is a more extreme version of the kick service, which involves more brushing the ball from 7-8 to 1-2 hours, and faster swing speed. If done remarkably, it can actually change the direction of the ball movement away from other players, although this requires a very strong and flexible back.

Joint/topspin service is often used as a first and second service. As the first service, the player will be faster on the ball, while it is a consistent second serve since the spin brings in the box with a high clearance service.

American shots/shots are rarely used except as a novelty. As the word "reverse" is defined, a person must hit the opposite side and opposite the service road kick hit.


Service under attack is struck under the shoulders. In children's tennis, small children may be encouraged to use subordinates in a 36-foot (11 m) field. Although this works legally, it can be seen as unsportsmanlike in adult tennis. Some notable examples include Michael Chang in Round 16 at the 1989 French Open against Ivan Lendl, and Martina Hingis scorned by the audience for hitting one at the 1999 French Open.


A pat-a-cake serve is serving where the racket is not swung behind the head (as in proper service). Players will just throw the ball up and "tap" or tap over the net to make it play. This is often used by a novice player, or a player who never has the right instructions. This term is usually used underestimated.

My Daddy / My Coach - Live Tennis Lesson no. 6 (preview) - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


  • Ace - a service that landed on the service box and then was not touched by the opponent.
  • Rest - server loses its game.
  • Break point - one point from pause.
  • Challenge - when one player debates whether the ball is in or out. Line judges can cancel calls made, or in professional settings, a review can be made. Players are allowed for a number of challenges per game.
  • Double error - regarding errors in the second service. The server lost its core.
  • Fault - a failed service that did not start the core because the ball did not land in the opponent's service box.
  • Foot error - errors caused by a server stepping on or over its base line or center line before hitting the ball with its racket.
  • Hold - server won the game.
  • Let - a serve is called let when the ball is on the net cord but still lands in the service court. Such a service is not considered an error and the server may repeat the service attempt. The ball that is on the clean cable but landing outside the service box is still a mistake.
  • When it goes live - both players have each of their service games set or have the same number of service breaks set, putting them "back on serve".
  • The winner of services touched by the opponent, but not returned.

Why Your Tennis Serve Lacks Power And How To Develop It | Feel Tennis
src: kcdnft-6f86.kxcdn.com

Players with good serve

Serving the record holder

  • Pete Sampras (considered by many to have the greatest service of all time) was the first player to record 1000 aces in a season in 1993.)
  • Goran Ivani? evi? (holds the record for ace in a season)
  • John Isner (most of the season leading the tour on aces)
  • (Ivo Karlovic (holds the record for most As cards overall in player career)
  • John Isner (holding an ace record in a tennis match)
  • Sabine Lisicki (holding the record for the fastest service on a women's tour)
  • Serena Williams (Majority served by women in Grand Slam)
  • KristÃÆ'½na PlÃÆ'? kovÃÆ'¡ (Most ace is presented by a woman during the game)
  • Serena Williams (Most ace is served by women in a season; she is widely considered to have the greatest service in the history of women's games)
  • Roger Federer (holding an ace record in the Grand-Slam final)
  • Andy Roddick (holding the record for the fastest service in Grand Slam)
  • Sam Groth (holds the record for the fastest serving at all times)

Advanced Tennis Serve Technique In 7 Steps on Vimeo
src: i.vimeocdn.com


Because the server has the advantage of being an early striker, for his opponent to return the ball and save it often involves defensive efforts to minimize the opponent's advantage. This may involve just crashing to get a racket on the ball before passing through. If a controlled service return is possible, a hard groundstroke to one side or another from the opponent baseline can be performed. If the server rushes immediately after hitting service, the return has several options: return the ball on the server foot not far over the net, forcing it to hit the half volley (which is difficult to do aggressively); lob the ball over the head of the server rushing; or hit a hard passing shot over the net too far to the left or right for the server to hit it.

Tennis Tip - Tactic - Do not Forget the Body Serve - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


How to Hit a Kick Serve | Tennis Now Instructionals - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

  • Glossary of tennis terms
  • Tennis kick

Tennis Serving Tips - How To Serve Fast And Yet Effortless | Feel ...
src: kcdnft-6f86.kxcdn.com


RETURN OF SERVE TENNIS | 1 Hand BH Return Of Serve - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

External links

  • Tennis Serve
  • The BBC Serves the Basics
  • Topspin Serving Instructions
  • Tennis Service Techniques

Source of the article : Wikipedia
