Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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Job Announcement: Social Worker III - County of Solano

Social work is an academic and professional discipline relating to individuals, families, groups, and communities in an effort to improve overall social and welfare functions. Social function refers to the way in which people perform their social roles, and the structural institutions are provided to support them. Social work implements social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, public health, community development, law and economics, to engage with client systems, conduct assessments, and develop interventions to solve social and personal problems; and create social change. Social work practices are often divided into micro jobs, which involve direct work with individuals or small groups; and macro-work, involving the working community, and in social policy, to create change on a larger scale.

Social work developed in the 19th century, with roots in voluntary philanthropy and grassroots organizing. However, acts responding to social needs have existed long before that, especially from private charities, and religious organizations. The effects of the Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression, putting pressure on social work to become a clearer discipline.

Video Social work


Social work is a broad profession that intersects several disciplines. The social work organization offers the following definition.

"Social work is a practice-based profession and academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and empowerment and liberation of people.The principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversity are at the core of social work Supported by social work theory , social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work involves people and structures to overcome life challenges and improve welfare. "The International Social Workers Federation

"Social work is a profession related to helping individuals, families, groups and communities to improve their individual and collective wellbeing.This aims to help people develop their skills and their ability to use their own resources and people from the community to solve problems Social work is concerned with individual and personal issues, but also with broader social issues such as poverty, unemployment, and domestic violence. "- The Canadian Social Workers Association

The social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends: helping people obtain real services; counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups; helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services; and participate in the legislative process. Social work practice requires knowledge of human development and behavior; social and economic institutions, and cultures; and the interaction of all these factors. "- National Association of Social Workers

"Social workers work with individuals and families to help improve outcomes in their lives.This may help protect vulnerable people from harm or harassment or support people to live independently Social workers support people, act as supporters and direct people to services that they may be needed Social workers often work in multi-disciplinary teams with health and education professionals. "- British Social Workers Association

Maps Social work


Social work practices and professions have relatively modern and scientific origins, and are generally considered to have been developed from three strands. The first is individual case work, a strategy pioneered by the Charity Organization Society in the mid-19th century, founded by Helen Bosanquet and Octavia Hill in London, England. Most historians identify COS as the pioneering organization of social theory that led to the emergence of social work as professional work. COS has a major focus on individual case work. The second is social administration, which includes various forms of poverty relief - 'aid of the poor'. Statewide poverty support can be said to be rooted in the 17th century British Poor Act, but was first systematized through the efforts of the Charity Society. The third consists of social action - rather than engaging in the completion of individual immediate requirements, the emphasis is placed on political action that works through communities and groups to improve their social conditions and thereby reduce poverty. This approach was developed initially by the Housing Housing Movement.

This is accompanied by movements not easily defined; institutional development to address all social issues. All had the fastest growth during the nineteenth century, and laid the foundation for modern social work, both in theory and in practice.

Professional social work originated in the 19th century England, and is rooted in the social and economic turmoil that the Industrial Revolution has forged, particularly the struggle of society to cope with mass urban-based poverty and its related problems. Since poverty is the main focus of early social work, it is closely linked to the idea of ​​charitable work.

Other important historical figures that shape the growth of the social work profession are Jane Addams, who founded Hull House in Chicago and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931; Mary Ellen Richmond, writing Social Diagnosis, one of the first social workbooks to include law, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and history; and William Beveridge, who created the social welfare state, framed the debate on social work in the context of the fulfillment of social welfare.

The No B.S Guide to Direct Social Work - YouTube

Model transtheoretical

Social work is an interdisciplinary profession, which means it draws from a number of fields, such as (but not limited to) psychology, sociology, politics, criminology, economics, ecology, education, health, law, philosophy, anthropology, and counseling, including psychotherapy. Fieldwork is a special attribution to the pedagogy of social work. This equips trainees in understanding the theory and models in the field of work. Professional practitioners of the multicultural aspect have their roots in this social work immersion engagement from the early nineteenth century in the western countries. For example, here are some models and theories used in social work practice:

Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BASW) | School of Social Work ...


Abraham Flexner in his lecture in 1915, "What is a Profession Social Work?", Presented at the National Conference on Charity and Corrections, examines the characteristics of the profession with reference to social work. This is not a 'single model', such as health, followed by medical professions such as nurses and doctors, but an integrated profession, and a resemblance to the medical profession is that social work requires advanced study for professional development to maintain evidence-based knowledge and skills based on practice standards. Professional social work services lead to the goal of providing beneficial services to individuals, couples, families, groups, organizations, and communities to achieve optimal psychosocial functioning.

Seven main functions are described by Popple and Leighninger as:

  1. Involvement - the social worker must first engage the client in the initial meeting to promote the collaborative relationship
  2. Assessment - data must be collected that will guide and guide action plans to assist clients
  3. Planning - negotiating and formulating action plans
  4. Implementation - promote resource acquisition and improve role performance
  5. Monitoring/Evaluation - ongoing documentation through the achievement of short-term goals to what extent clients follow through
  6. Supportive Counseling - affirming, challenging, encouraging, informing, and exploring options
  7. Graduated Dismissal - trying to replace social workers with naturally occurring resources

The other six core values ​​identified by the National Workers Association Code of Conduct (NASW) are:

  1. Services - helping people in need and addressing social issues
  2. Social Justice - challenging social injustice
  3. Respect one's dignity and self-esteem
  4. Give importance to human relationships
  5. Integrity - behaves in a trustworthy way
  6. Competence - practice in a person's area of ​​expertise and develop and improve professional skills

The historic and decisive character of social work is the focus of the profession on the well-being of individuals in the social and welfare context of society. Social workers promote social justice and social change with and on behalf of clients. The term "client" is used to refer individuals, families, groups, organizations, or communities. Within the broad scope of the role of modern social workers, some practitioners in recent years have traveled to war-torn countries to provide psychosocial assistance to families and survivors.

Newer areas of social work practice involve management science. The growth of "social work administration" to turn social policy into service and direct the organization's activities toward the achievement of goals is the related field. Helping clients with access to benefits such as unemployment insurance and disability benefits requires social workers to know financial management skills to help others become financially independent. Financial social work helps low-income or low-income clients, people who either unbanked or underbanked (individuals who have bank accounts but tend to rely on high-cost non-bank providers for their financial transactions), with better mediation with financial institutions and induction of money management skills. Another area that focuses on social workers is risk management, the risk in social work is taken when Knight in 1921 defines "If you are not even sure exactly what will happen, but you know the odds, it's a risk and if you do not" I do not even know chances are, it is uncertainty. "Risk management in social work means minimizing risk while increasing the potential benefits for clients by analyzing risks and benefits in the task of care or in decision making.

In the United States, under the Substance Abuse and Administration of Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services, professional social workers are the largest group of mental health service providers. There are more clinically trained social workers - over 200,000 - of psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses combined. Federal law and the National Institutes of Health recognize social work as one of the five core mental health professions.

Examples of areas that social workers may use are poverty assistance, life skills education, community development, rural development, forensics and correction, legislation, industrial relations, project management, child protection, parental protection, women's rights, human rights, system. , financial, rehabilitation addiction, child development, cross-cultural mediation, occupational safety and health, disaster management, mental health, psychosocial therapy, disability, etc.

Board of Social Work (BOSW) / State of Minnesota Board of Social Work


Social worker education begins with a bachelor's degree (BA, BSc, BSSW, BSW, etc.) or a diploma in a social work or Bachelor of Social Services. Some countries offer postgraduate degrees in social work, such as a master's degree (MSW, MSSW, MSS, MSSA, MA, MSc, MRes, MPhil.) Or doctoral studies (PhD and DSW (Doctor of Social Work)). Increasingly, graduate social work programs pursue post-masters and post-doctoral studies, including training in psychotherapy.

In the United States, bachelor's and master's programs in social work are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. A CSWE accredited degree is required for a person to become a licensed state social worker. In 1898, the New York Charity Organization Society, which was the earliest entity of the Columbia University School of Social Work, began offering a formal program of "social philanthropy", marking both an early date for social work education in the United States as well as the launch of professional social work.

A number of countries and jurisdictions require registration or licensing of persons working as social workers, and there are mandated qualifications. Elsewhere, professional associations establish academic requirements for entry into the profession. The success of the efforts of these professional bodies is demonstrated in that the same terms are recognized by the employer as necessary for the job.

Professional association

Social workers have a number of professional associations that provide ethical guidelines and other forms of support for their members and for social work in general. This association can be international, continental, semi-continental, national, or regional. The main international associations are the International Social Workers Federation (IFSW) and the International Association of Social Work Schools (IASSW).

The largest professional social work association in the United States is the National Association of Social Workers. There are also organizations representing clinical social workers such as The American Association of Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work. AAPCSW is a national organization representing social workers practicing psychoanalytic social work and psychonalysis. There are also a number of countries with a Clinical Social Working Society representing all social workers who perform psychotherapy from a variety of theoretical frameworks with families, groups and individuals. The Association for Community Organizations and Social Administration (ACOSA) is a professional organization for social workers who practice in organizing, policy, and political sphere.

In the UK, professional associations are the UK Association of Social Workers (BASW) with just over 18,000 members (as of August 2015).

The US-based National Social Workers Association's Code of Ethics codes for everyday behavior and a set of principles rooted in 6 core values: service, social justice, dignity and self-esteem, the importance of human relations, integrity, and competence.

Unions represent social workers

In the UK, more than half of social workers are employed by local authorities, and many of them are represented by UNISON, a public sector union. The smaller numbers are members of Unite the Union and GMB (trade unions). The UK Social Workers Union (BUSWE) has been part of the Community (unions) since 2008.

While at that stage it was not a union, the British Social Workers Association operated advisory and professional representation service from the early 1990s. Qualified Social Workers who are also experienced in employment law and industrial relations provide the kind of representation you expect from unions in terms of complaints, discipline or doing specific matters relating to professional conduct or practice. However, these services rely on the goodwill of employers to enable representatives to attend these meetings, as only trade unions have legal rights and representation rights in the workplace.

In 2011 several councils have realized that they should not allow BASW access, and those challenged by skilled professional representatives of their staff withdraw permission. For this reason BASW once again took the status of the union by forming a trade union section, the SWU (Social Workers Union). It provides the legal right to represent its members whether the employer or Trades Union Congress (TUC) recognizes the SWU or not. By 2015 TUC still rejects the application of the SWU to enter congress membership and while most companies make no formal recognition statements until the time when TUC can change its policy, they are all legally required to allow SWU representatives (BASW) in internal disciplinary hearings etc.

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Social worker in literature

In 2011, a critic stated that "the novel about social work is rare," and recently 2004, other critics admitted it was hard to find a novel featuring the main character who holds a Master of Social Work.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
