Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

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The latest Google controversy shows how corporate funding stifles ...
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Google Criticism includes aggressive and artificial tax avoidance, misuse and manipulation of search results, their use of other people's intellectual property, concerns that data compilations may violate people's privacy, censoring search results and content, and energy consumption from its servers and concerns over traditional business issues such as monopoly, trade control, antitrust, idea lending, and being "The Room of Ideology of echo".

Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational public company that invests in Internet searches, cloud computing, and advertising technologies. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products, and generates profits primarily from advertising through its AdWords program.

Google's stated mission is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful"; this mission, and the means used to achieve it, has raised concerns among corporate critics. Most of the criticism has to do with issues that have not been addressed by cyber law.

Video Criticism of Google

Aggressive tax evasion

Google has been accused by a number of countries who have avoided paying tens of billions of dollars in taxes through an intricate inter-enterprise licensing agreement scheme and transfer to tax havens. For example, Google has used artificial and artificial differences to avoid paying billions of pounds in corporate taxes owed by its UK operations. On May 16, 2013, Margaret Hodge, chairman of the UK Public Account Committee, accused Google of "counting and [...] unethical" on the use of the scheme. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt has claimed that this Google scheme is "capitalism", and that he is "very proud" about it.

In 2015, the British Government introduced a new law intended to punish Google and tax evasion of other major multinational corporations.

In January 2016, Google agreed to make a payment of £ 130m to the UK tax authorities.

Google withdrew its taxes by $ 3.1 billion in 2007 to 2009 using techniques that move most of its overseas profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda. After that, the company began sending Ã, Â £ 8 billion profit a year to Bermuda. Google's revenue switch - involves strategies known by lawyers as "Double Irish" and "Dutch Sandwich" - helps reduce its foreign tax rate to 2.4 percent, the lowest of the top five US technology firms by market capitalization, according to the filing rules of six country.

Maps Criticism of Google


According to Joe Wilcox from Microsoft-Watch, Google has increased search dominance, becoming an information goalkeeper, despite the conflict of interest between information gathering and advertising surrounding that information. His colleagues do not share the same view.

European Union

The European Commission has filed several cases of competition law against Google, namely:

  • Complaints that Google is misusing its position as a dominant search engine to support its own services than competitors. Specifically, Google operates a free comparison comparison site Froogle, which it left behind for a paid-placement site called Google Shopping. Other comparison sites complain of a sharp decline in web traffic due to changes in Google's search algorithm, and some are excluded from business. The investigation began in 2010 and ended in July 2017 with a fine of EUR2.42 billion against parent company Alphabet, and orders to change its practices in 90 days.
  • Complaints open in 2015 that the dominance of the Android operating system is misused to make it difficult for third-party apps and search engines to be installed on mobile phones. (See EU vs. Google.)
  • Complaints opened in 2016 that Google is abusing its market dominance to prevent competing advertising companies from selling ads to websites that already use Google AdSense

US. antitrust problem

In the case of Google-Yahoo is now dead! 2008 deal - a pact for Google to sell advertising on Yahoo! search page - the US Justice Department found that the deal would "materially reduce the important competitive competition between the two companies" and would violate the Sherman Antitrust Act.

In testimony before the US Senate antitrust panel in September 2011, Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, said that "the Internet is the highest level of games" where users are "just a click away" from competitors. Beyond the existence of alternatives, Google's huge market share is another aspect of the debate, because the exchange between Senator Herb Kohl and Mr. Schmidt on the September senate described:

Senator Kohl asked: "But you acknowledge that in the words used and the type of antitrust supervision your market share is a monopoly, dominant - dominant special power - the dominant special power for a monopolist. in that area? "
Schmidt replied: "I agree, sir, that we are in that area.... I am not a lawyer, but my understanding of the monopoly findings is that this is a judicial process."

During Mike Lee's hearing, the Republic of Utah, accused Google of cooking its search results to support its own services. Mr. Schmidt replied, "Senator, I can assure you that we have not cooked anything yet."

In testimony before the same Senate panel, Jeffrey Katz and Jeremy Stoppelman, chief executive of competitors Google Nextag and Yelp, said that Google tilted search results for its own sake, limiting choice and fierce competition.

In October 2012, it was reported that US Federal Trade Commission staff are preparing recommendations that the government sue Google on antitrust grounds. Areas of concern include allegations of manipulating search results to support Google services such as Google Shopping for purchasing goods and Google Places to advertise local restaurants and businesses; whether Google's automated advertising market, AdWords, discriminates advertisers from competing online trading services such as comparison shopping sites and consumer review websites; whether Google's contract with smart phone makers and operators prevents them from deleting or modifying Google products, such as the Android operating system or Google search; and Google's use of its smartphone patents. A possible outcome of an antitrust investigation is a negotiated settlement in which Google will agree not to discriminate in favor of its products over a smaller competitor. The Federal Trade Commission ended its investigation during a period when Google co-founder Larry Page met with individuals at the White House and Federal Trade Commission, leading to a voluntary change by Google; from January 2009 to March 2015 Google employees have met officials at the White House about 230 times by the Wall Street Journal .


On April 20, 2016, the EU filed an official anti-monopoly complaint against Google's influence over Android vendors, alleging that mandatory bundling of all Google's patented software packages, impedes the ability to search for search service providers to be integrated into Android, and vendor restrictions from producing devices which runs Android forks, is an anti-competitive practice. In August 2016, Google was fined US $ 6.75 million by Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) under similar allegations by Yandex.

Google responds to Duplex backlash, says AI voice system will ...
src: static.techspot.com

Possible abuse of search results

In 2006/2007, a group of Austrian researchers observed a tendency to abuse Google's engine as a "reality interface". Regular users and journalists tend to rely on the first page of Google search, assuming that everything not listed there is unimportant or non-existent. The researchers say that "Google has become the main interface for all of our reality, precisely: with Google's interface the user gets the impression that search results imply a kind of totality.In fact, people see only a small part of what one can see if someone also integrates other research tools ".

Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, said in a 2007 interview with Financial Times : "The goal is to enable Google users to ask questions like 'What do I do tomorrow?' and 'What work should I take?' ". Schmidt confirmed this during a 2010 interview with the Wall Street Journal: "I really think most people do not want Google to answer their questions, they want Google to tell them what to do next."

Many companies and individuals, for example, MyTriggers.com and transport tycoon Sir Brian Souter have voiced concerns about Google PageRank's justice and search results after their website disappeared from Google's first page results. In the case of MyTriggers.com, the Ohio-based shopping comparison search site accused Google of supporting its own services in search results (though the judge eventually decided that the site failed to show damage to other similar businesses).

Eye wallpaper possesses dog! â€
src: artoferickuns.files.wordpress.com

Page Rank

The danger of ranking manipulation

Google page ranking algorithms can and have been manipulated for political and fun reasons. To illustrate the view that a Google search engine could be the target of manipulation, Google Watch implements a Google bomb by linking the phrase "an untouchable executive" to a Google page on its own management. The attempt was mistakenly associated with a Google employee unsatisfied by The New York Times , who later printed the corrections.

Daniel Brandt embarked on the Google Watch site and criticized Google's PageRank algorithm, saying that they discriminated against new websites and supported existing sites. Chris Beasley, who started Google Watch-Watch, disagreed, saying that Mr. Brandt exaggerates the amount of discrimination facing the new website and that the new website will naturally rank lower when the ranking is based on the site's "reputation". In the Google world, site reputation is partly determined by how many and other sitelinks (links from sites with "better" reputations than themselves bring more weight). Since new sites rarely connect as strongly as older sites, they are unknown, unreputable, and will receive a lower page rank.

In testimony before the US Senate antitrust panel in September 2011, Jeffrey Katz, chief executive of NexTag, said that Google's business interests are contrary to its engineering commitment to the Internet that is open to all and that: "Google does not play fair. Shopping, and against competitors like us. "Jeremy Stoppelman, head of Yelp, says such sites should work with Google because it is the gateway to so many users and" Google then gives special treatment of its own products. " In previous testimony at the same hearing Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, said that Google does not "cook books" to support its own products and services.

Eye wallpaper possesses dog! â€
src: artoferickuns.files.wordpress.com

Google Shopping ranking

At the end of May 2012, Google announced that it would no longer maintain a strict separation between search results and advertising. Google Shopping (formerly known as Froogle) will be replaced by an almost identical interface, according to the announcement, but only paid advertisers will be listed instead of the previously shown neutral aggregate list. Furthermore, ratings will be determined primarily by which advertiser places the highest "bid", even though the announcement does not describe this process. The transition will be completed in the fall of 2012.

As a result of these changes to Google Shopping, Microsoft, which operates a competing search engine Bing, launched a public information campaign called Scroogled. The ad campaign was developed by leading political campaign strategist Mark Penn.

It is unclear how consumers react to this step. Critics charged that Google has effectively left the motto "Do not be evil" and that small businesses will not be able to compete with their counterparts larger. There are also concerns that consumers who do not see this announcement will not realize that they are now looking at a paid ad and that the top results are no longer determined solely by relevancy but will be manipulated in accordance with any company that pay the most.

google translate
src: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Copyright issues

Google Print, Books and Reader

Google's ambitious plan to scan millions of books and make it readable through its search engine has been criticized for copyright infringement. The Associated Society Publishers and Professionals and the American University Association Pressured both of them issued a statement strongly opposed to Google Print, stating that "Google, a very successful company, claims the right to customize the property of others for its own commercial use unless told, case by case and example by example, no. "

Written Work of Chinese Written Works (CWWCS)

In a separate dispute in November 2009, China Cipta Karya Cipta Kerja (CWWCS), which protected the copyright of Chinese writers, accused Google of scanning 18,000 books by 570 Chinese authors without permission, for its Google Books library. Toward the end of 2009 representatives of CWWCS said the talks with Google about copyright issues went well, that first they "want Google to admit their mistakes and apologize", then talk about compensation, while at the same time they "do not want Google to give up China in its digital library project ". On November 20, 2009, Google agreed to provide a list of scanned Chinese books, but did not recognize that it violated "copyright law". In a statement Jan. 9, 2010, Google Books heads in Asia-Pacific said "communication with Chinese writers is not good enough" and apologized to the authors.

Cached links and data

Kazaa and the Church of Scientology have used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to sue Google to remove references to allegedly copyrighted material on their sites.

Search engines such as Google that link to sites with "good faith" are included in the provisions of the safe harbor of the Limitation of Copyright Copyright Act which is part of the DMCA. If they remove a link to the infringing content after receiving a takedown notice, they are not responsible. Google removes links to infringing content when requested, provided that supporting evidence is provided. However, it can sometimes be difficult to judge whether a particular site is infringing or Google (and other search engines) will sometimes refuse to remove web pages from its index. To complicate matters, there are conflicting rulings from US courts about whether merely linking offending content is a "controversial violation" or not.

The New York Times have complained that caching their content during web crawling, features used by search engines including Google Web Search, infringes copyright. Google looks at the standard Internet mechanisms to request that cache is disabled through a robots.txt file, which is another mechanism that allows website operators to request parts or all of their sites not included in search engine results, or through META tags, which allow content editors to determine whether documents can be crawled or archived, or whether links to documents can be followed. The US District Court in Nevada ruled that Google's cache is not a copyright infringement under American law in Field v. Google and Parker v. Google .

On February 20, 2017, Google approves a United Kingdom practice code that voluntarily obligates Google to demote links to content that infringes copyright in its search results.

Google Map Maker

Google Map Maker allows user-contributed data to be included in the Google Maps service, similar to OpenStreetMap that includes concepts such as organizing mapping and mapping for humanitarian efforts. It has been criticized for taking a job free of charge by the general public and claiming its commercial ownership without returning any contribution to public property because their restrictive licenses make it incompatible with most open projects by preventing commercial use or use by competitive services.

Google's infamous manifesto author is already a hero to the online ...
src: cdn.vox-cdn.com


Google's privacy change March 1, 2012 allows companies to share data across various services. This includes embedded services on millions of third party websites using Adsense and Analytics. The policy is widely criticized as creating an environment that hinders Internet innovation by making internet users more afraid of being online.

In December 2009, after the privacy issue was raised, Google CEO Eric Schmidt stated: "If you have something that others do not want to know, you probably should not do it in the first place.If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is search engines - including Google - keep this information for some time and it's important, for example, that we're all subject to the United States to the Patriot Act and it's possible that all of that information could be available to the authorities. "

International Privacy has voiced concerns about the dangers and privacy implications of having centralized data warehouse at the center, millions of Internet users searches, and how under controversial US law, Google may be forced to submit all such information to the US. government. In the 2007 Consultation Report, Privacy International rated Google as "Hostile to Privacy", the lowest rank on their report, making Google the only company on the list to receive the rating.

At a Techonomy conference in 2010, Eric Schmidt predicted that "true transparency and without anonymity" is a way forward for the internet: "In the world of asynchronous threats, it's too dangerous because there's no way to identify you.We need a [verified] name service for people "If I see enough of your messages and your location, and using artificial intelligence, we can predict where you're going.Continue to us 14 pictures of yourself and we can identify who you are You think you do not "You have 14 pictures of yourself on the internet? You have a Facebook photo! "

In the summer of 2016, Google secretly lifted its ban on personally identifiable information in its DoubleClick advertising service. Google's privacy policy is changed to state it is "possible" to combine the web search records acquired through DoubleClick with what the company learned from the use of other Google services. While new users are automatically opted in, users are asked if they want to opt in, and it's still possible to opt out by going to the Activity controls on the My Account page of the Google account. ProPublica states that "The practical result of this change is that DoubleClick ads that follow people on the web can now be customized for them based on your name and other information Google knows about you, which also means that Google is now can, if you wish, create a complete portrait of users by name, based on everything they write in the email, every website they visit and the search they do. "Google contacts ProPublica to fix the fact that it is not" this "uses Gmail keywords to target web ads.

Google Bows to Criticism, Changes Google News Design | iNewsDesign
src: inewsdesign.files.wordpress.com


Google has been criticized for censoring instances of its search results, many times in accordance with the laws of different countries, especially when it operated in China from January 2006 to March 2010.

Web Search

On December 12, 2012, Google's SafeSearch feature applies to image search in the United States. Prior to the change, the three SafeSearch settings - "on", "moderate", and "off" - are available to users. After the change, two "Filter explicit results" settings - "active" and "off" - have just been created. Previous and new settings "on" are similar, and exclude explicit images from search results. The new "off" setting still allows explicit images to appear in search results, but users must enter more specific search requests, and there is no direct equivalent of the old "off" settings that exist after the change. These changes bring the image search results into line with existing Google settings for web and video searches.

Some users claim that no fully filtered option is the same as "censorship" by Google. A Google spokesman disagrees, saying that Google "does not censor any adult content," but "wants to show users what they're looking for - but we aim not to show explicit sexual results unless users are specifically looking for them."

The search term "bisexual" was blacklisted for Instant Search until 2012, when it was removed at the request of the advocacy organization BiNet USA.


Google has been involved in censoring certain sites in certain countries and regions. As of March 2010, Google adheres to China's Internet censorship policy, imposed by a filter known as "The Great Firewall of China". Google.cn search results are filtered to remove some information that is considered harmful to the People's Republic of China (PRC). Google claims that some censorship is required to prevent the Chinese government from blocking Google entirely, as it did in 2002. The company claims that it does not plan to provide information to the government about users seeking content that is blocked, and will notify users that content has been restricted if they are trying to find it. In 2009, Google was the only major search engine based in China to explicitly inform users when search results were blocked or hidden. As of December 2012, Google no longer notifies users of possible censorship for certain questions during search.

Some Chinese internet users are very critical of Google for helping the Chinese government in suppressing its own citizens, especially those who oppose the government and advocate for human rights. In addition, Google has been criticized and called a hypocrite by the Free Media Movement for approving China's demands while simultaneously countering the US government's request for similar information. Google China has also been criticized by Reporters Without Borders, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

In 2009, China Central Television, Xinhua News Agency, and People's Daily all reported on Google's "spreading of information", and the People's Daily claimed that "Google's motto 'do not become evil' into fig leaves." The Chinese government imposed administrative sanctions on Google China, and demanded censorship strengthening.

In 2010, according to a leaked diplomatic cable from the US Embassy in Beijing, there were reports that the Chinese Politburo led the intrusion of Google's computer system in a worldwide coordinated sabotage campaign around the world and efforts to access information about Chinese dissidents, carried out by "government cooperatives, public security experts and internet criminals recruited by the Chinese government. " The report indicates that it is part of an ongoing campaign in which the attackers have "broken into computers of the American government and Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002."

In response to the attack, Google announced that it "is no longer willing to continue to censor our results on Google.cn, and therefore over the next few weeks we will discuss with the basic Chinese government on which we can operate unfiltered searches. law, if at all. "On March 22, 2010, after talks with Chinese authorities failed to reach an agreement, the company transferred Google China's censorship-compatible service to Google's Hong Kong service, which is outside the jurisdiction of China's censorship laws. From a business perspective, many acknowledge that the move is likely to affect Google's profits: "Google will pay a high price for the move, which is why they deserve praise for refusing to censor its services in China." However, at least since March 23, 2010, "The Great Firewall" continues to censor search results from the Hong Kong portal, www.google.com.hk (as with the US portal, www.google.com) for controversial terms like "Falun gong" and "June 4 incident" (Tiananmen Square incident).


Google has been involved in censorship of Google Maps satellite imagery across the country that impacts Android and iOS apps using.com,.tr, and.tld automatically. Desktop users can easily avoid this sensor by simply removing the.tr, and.ld from the URL but the same technique is not possible with the smartphone app.


In February 2003, Google stopped displaying ads for Oceana, a nonprofit organization that protested the waste processing operations of large cruise ships. Google cited its editorial policy at the time, stating "Google does not accept advertisements if those ads or sites advocate against other individuals, groups, or organizations." The policy was later changed.

In April 2008, Google refused to run ads for British Christian groups opposed to abortion, explaining that "At this time, Google's policy does not permit the advertisement of websites containing 'abortion and religious-related content.'" British Christian groups sued Google for discrimination , and as a result in September 2008, Google changed its policy and anti abortion ads were allowed.

In August 2008, Google closed the AdSense account of the site containing a negative view of Scientology, closing the two sites within 3 months. It is uncertain whether account cancellation is actually based on anti-religious content, but these cases have raised questions about Google's terms regarding AdSense/AdWords. The AdSense policy states that "Sites displaying Google ads may not include [...] advocacy against individuals, groups or organizations", which allows Google to revoke the AdSense account mentioned above.

In May 2011, Google canceled an AdWords ad purchased by a Dublin sex workers group called "Turn off the Blue Light" (TOBL), claiming it represented a "grave breach" of the company's advertising policy by "selling adult sexual services". However, TOBL is a non-profit campaign for sex worker rights and does not advertise or sell adult sexual services. In July, after TOBL members held a protest outside Google's headquarters in Europe in Dublin and wrote to complain, Google relented, reviewed the group's website, found its content to advocate for political positions, and restored the AdWords ads.

In June 2012, Google rejected the Australian Sex Party ads for AdWords and sponsored search results for July 12 by-election for the state seat of Melbourne, saying the Party violated the rules that prevented the request for donations by websites that did not display a free-status tax. Although the Sex Party changed its website to display tax deduction information, Google continues to ban such ads. The ad was restored on election night after it was reported in the media that the Sex Party is considering suing Google. On September 13, 2012, the Party filed an official complaint against Google with the US Department of Justice and the Australian competition watchdog, accusing Google of "illegal interference in the conduct of state elections in Victoria with corrupt intent" in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.


YouTube is a video sharing website gained by Google in 2006. YouTube's Terms of Service prohibit the posting of videos that infringe copyright or depict pornography, illegal acts, haphazard violence, or hate speech. Videos posted by users who violate these terms may be removed and replaced with a message stating: "This video is no longer available because its content violates YouTube's Terms of Service".

YouTube has been criticized by the national government for not being able to police content. For example, a video has been critically accused of being "abandoned," among other videos that display unwarranted violence or strong intentions against people who may not want this to be published. In 2006, Thailand blocked access to YouTube for users with Thai IP addresses. Thai authorities identified 20 offensive videos and demanded that YouTube remove them before unblocking any YouTube content. In 2007, a Turkish judge ordered access to YouTube that was blocked due to content that insulted Mustafa Kemal AtatÃÆ'¼rk, which is a crime under Turkish law. On February 22, 2008, Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) sought to block regional access to YouTube following government orders. The attempt inadvertently caused a worldwide YouTube outage that took 2 hours to fix. Four days later, the PTA lifted the ban after YouTube removed the controversial religious commentary made by Dutch MP about Islam.

YouTube has also been criticized by its users for trying to censor content. In November 2007, the story of Wael Abbas, a prominent Egyptian activist who posted videos of police brutality, distorted voices and anti-government demonstrations, was blocked for three days.

In February 2008, a video produced by the American Life League accusing Planned Parenthood television ads promoting recreational sex was removed, then restored two days later. In October, a video by political speaker Pat Condell who criticized the British government for formally approving the shariah court law in Britain was removed, then restored two days later. YouTube also attracted a video of columnist Michelle Malkin showing violence by Muslim extremists. Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia, commented that while, in his opinion, Michelle Malkin spread bigotry on his blog, "it does not mean that the video is excluded, but it's Malkin, that's the target."

Can not Post

In 2013, Google successfully prevented the Swedish Language Board from entering the Swedish version of the word " ungoogleable " (" ogooglebar ") in the list of new words. Google objects to its definition (which refers to general web searches without specifically mentioning Google) and the Council was forced to remove them in order to avoid legal confrontation with Google. They also accuse Google of "trying to control Swedish".


Since 2015, Google restricted access to software in the Crimea and Sevastopol after the United States issued sanctions against the Russian government due to Russian military intervention 2014 in Ukraine.

NYT: Google Buys Off Non-Profits To Silence Criticism | All things ...
src: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com


Energy consumption

Google has been criticized for the high amount of energy used to maintain its servers, but is praised by Greenpeace for the use of renewable energy sources to run it. Google has promised to spend millions of dollars to investigate cheap, clean, renewable energy, and install solar panels on the roof at the Mountain View facility. In 2010, Google also invested $ 39 million in wind power.

Google bus protests

In late 2013, activists in the San Francisco Bay Area began protesting the use of shuttle buses by Google and other technology companies, seeing them as a symbol of gentrification and displacement in a city where the rapid growth of the technology sector has driven home prices.

Google Video

On August 15, 2007, Google discontinued the Download-for-itself/Download-for-rent (DTO/DTR) program. Some videos previously purchased for ownership under the program will no longer be visible when the embedded Digital Rights Management (DRM) license is revoked. Google provides refunds for the total amount spent on videos that use "gift certificates" (or "bonuses") to their customers' "Google Checkout Accounts". After a public uproar, Google issued a full refund to a Google Video user credit card without revoking the gift certificate.

Search in search

For some search results, Google provides a secondary search box that can be used to search within websites identified from the first search. This sparked controversy among some publishers and online retailers. When conducting a second search within a particular website, advertisements from competing companies and competitors often appear along with the results of the website being searched. This has the potential to attract users from websites they initially searched for. "While the service can help increase traffic, some users may get sucked when Google uses brand prominence to sell ads, usually to competing companies." To combat this controversy, Google offers to turn off this feature for companies that ask to remove it.

According to software engineer Ben Lee and Product Manager Jack Menzel, the idea of ​​search in search comes from the way users search. It seems that users often do not find what they need when trying to crawl within the company site. "Teleportation" on the web, where users only need to type part of the website name into Google (no need to remember the entire URL) to find the right site, which helps Google users complete their search. Google takes this concept a step further and instead of just "teleporting", users can type in keywords to search within their chosen website.

Naming programming languages ​​

Google is criticized for naming their programming language "Go" while there is already an existing programming language called "Go!".

Potential security threats

Google Street View has been criticized for providing potentially useful information to terrorists. In Britain during March 2010, Liberal Democrat Parliament member Paul Keetch and an unnamed military official criticized Google for inserting pictures of the entrance to the British Army Special Forces (SAS) base, stating that terrorists might use the information to plan attack. Google responded that "just taking pictures from public roads and this is no different from what other travelers can see, therefore there is no significant security risk." Military sources stated that "It is very irresponsible for military bases, especially special forces, to be portrayed on the internet. [...] The question is, why is the risk of serious security breaches in order to have an image on the website?" Google then forced to remove images of the SAS base and other military, security and intelligence installations, acknowledged that trained drivers failed not to take photographs in areas prohibited under the Official Secrets Act.

In 2008, Google fulfilled a request from The Pentagon to remove Street View images from the entrance to the military base.


Despite being one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, unlike many other technology companies, Google does not disclose its political expenditure. In August 2010, New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio launched a national campaign urging the company to disclose all of its political expenditures.

Google sponsors several nonprofit lobby groups, such as the Coalition for the Digital Economy (Coadec) in the UK. Google has sponsored a meeting of the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute that has had speakers including Republicans and Libertarian Tea Party, and Senator for Kentucky, Rand Paul.

In 2013, Google joins the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). In September 2014, Google chairman Eric Schmidt announced the company would leave ALEC for "lying" about climate change and "hurt our children".

Peter Thiel stated that Google has too much influence on the Obama administration, claiming that the company "has more power under Obama than Exxon under Bush 43". There are many examples of turnstiles between Google and the US government. These include: 53 turnstile movement between Google and the White House; 22 former White House officials who left the administration to work for Google and 31 Google executives who joined the White House; 45 Obama for America campaign staff leave for Google or Google-controlled companies; 38 turnstiles move between Google and government positions involving national security, intelligence, or the Department of Defense; 23 turnstile movement between Google and the Department of Foreign Affairs; and 18 Pentagon officials moved to Google.

Julian Assange has compiled what he claims to be Google's documentation of contact with a "state in" US.

In September 2017, DefyCCC mathematician and editor Leo Goldstein published the results of analyzing statistics from Alexa Ranking, and concluded that Google's search function was biased against conservative news sites:

  • The Google search function "is found to be biased in favor of left/liberal domains," and "against conservative domains" with what it calls 95 percent confidence.
  • The percentage of "hard-left" domain traffic referenced to websites by Google Search is highly disproportionate to more conservative and more biased websites
  • There appears to be evidence that the "left-hard" domain has been "directly selected" for prominent placements.
  • Where is Fair Use?

    On February 16, 2016, internet reviewer Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic) posted a video about his concern regarding YouTube's current copyright claims system that seems to be more profitable for those who make claims than the creators, although many of those videos are reported as being covered by law -Using Fair Use. This video features stories of other YouTubers experiences with copyright systems, including fellow Awesome Channels producer Brad Jones, who received a strike on his channel for uploading movie reviews that occurred in parked cars and no recordings of the movie itself. In the video, Walker encourages other YouTubers and viewers to spread the message using the hashtag #WTFU (Where Fair Use?) On social media. Hashtag spread among some YouTubers, who provided their support to Walker and Channels, Awesome, and told their own stories about issues with YouTube's copyright system, including Dan Murrell from Screen Junkies, GradeAUnderA and Let's Play producer Mark Fishbach (Markiplier) and SeÃÆ'¡n William McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye).

    Ten days later, on February 26, 2016, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki tweeted a link to a post from the YouTube Help Forum and thanked the community for bringing the matter to them. The post written by a member of the YouTube Policy Team named Spencer (no last name given), stated that they will work to strengthen communication between the creator and YouTube Support and "enhancements to increase transparency into the status of monetization claims."

    YouTube user comments

    Most YouTube videos allow users to leave comments, and this has drawn attention to the negative aspects of its form and content. In 2006, Time praised Web 2.0 for allowing "community and collaboration on a scale never seen before", and added that YouTube "takes advantage of people's fools and wisdom.Some comments on YouTube make you cry for the future of mankind is only for spelling, do not care about obscenity and bare hate ". The Guardian in 2009 describes user comments on YouTube as:

    Teenagers, aggressive, misspelled, sexist, homophobic, swinging from rage on video content to provide endless detailed descriptions followed by LOL, YouTube comments are a dot of infantile debate and ignorance without shame - with occasional explosions of intelligence shining through.

    In September 2008, The Daily Telegraph commented that YouTube was "famous" for "some of the most confrontational and unmoved comments on the internet", and reported on YouTube Comment Snob, "a new piece of software blocking rough and illiterate writing ". The Huffington Post noted in April 2012 that finding comments on YouTube that appear "offensive, stupid and rude" to "the majority" of the people is hardly difficult.

    On November 6, 2013, Google implemented a new comment system requiring all YouTube users to use their Google account to comment on the video, thereby making the comment system to be Google-oriented. Corporations claimed that changes were needed to personalize the comment section for viewers, generating a very negative public response - YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim also expressed disgust by writing on his channel: "why do I need a Google account to comment on a video?". YouTube's official announcement received more than 62,000 "thumbs up" votes and just over 4,000 "thumbs up" votes, while online petitions demanding Google's removal earned more than 230,000 signatures in just two months. Writing on Silicon Island blogger Silent Island, Chase Melvin noted: "Google is not at all popular as a social media network like Facebook, but is essentially imposed on millions of YouTube users who do not want to lose their ability to comment on videos." In the same article Melvin adds:

    Perhaps a user's complaint is justified, but the idea of ​​revamping the old system is not so bad. Imagine the misleading, misogynistic, and racial misfires that have been going on for the past eight years on YouTube with no visible moderation. Is not there an effort to curb unknown people worth a try? The system is far from perfect, but Google should be commended for trying to reduce some of the damage caused by angry YouTubers hiding behind hostility and anonymity.

    On July 27, 2015, Google announced that Google is no longer required to use various services, including YouTube. Users can now delete their Google profile without losing features or content.

    Zero rating

    Google has supported net neutrality in the US, while opposing it in India by supporting a zero rating.

    2016 April Fool's joke

    On April 1, 2016, Mic Drop April Fool's joke in Gmail caused damage to users who accidentally clicked on a button Google installs on the occasion.

    Political diversity

    A widely circulated internal memo, the Google Ideological Echo Chamber, has strongly criticized Google's political and policy biases. Google said the memo "increased dangerous gender stereotypes" and fired the employee. After that some argue that Google proved himself to be political, and some even demanded the resignation of its CEO Sundar Pichai for wrongly handling the case.

    Ads that criticize Pichai and Google for dismissal are placed soon afterwards in various Google locations. Some people have called to boycott Google and its services, with hashtag #boycottGoogle appearing on Twitter. A rally against alleged Google allegations was planned as "March on Google", but was later canceled due to threats and chaos of Charlottville

    Arne Wilberg, a former YouTube recruiter, claims that he was fired in November 2017 when he complained about Google's new practice for not hiring white and Asian men to YouTube to support women and minority applicants. According to the lawsuit, internal policy documents state that for three months in 2017, YouTube recruiters may only employ diverse candidates.

    Think Tank interferes

    The NYT reports that Google has pressured the New America think tank supported by it, to remove statements supporting EU's anti-trust penalties against Google. After Eric Schmidt voiced his displeasure from the statement, the entire research group involved was ruled out at the New American think tank, which was funded by Google. As a result, open market research groups go to open their own think tank, which will not get funding from Google.

    ANS patent controversy

    Extensive attention in the Polish media has resulted from Google's efforts to patent video compression applications from the ANS encoding, which is now widely used in products for example. Apple, Facebook and Google. The author has been assisting Google in this adaptation for 3 years through public forums, but is not included in the patent application. He was supported in the fight against this patent by his employer: Jagiellonian University.

    Criticism of Google Wikipedia - psychologyarticles.info
    src: pics.onsizzle.com

    See also

    • Do not be evil
    • Google litigation
    • High Technology Employee Antitrust Litigation
    • Googlization
    • Bubble filters
    • Google History
    • Who Owns the Future?
    • Surveillance capitalism
    • Criticism of software and website

    More blowback for Google after it fires think tank employee over ...
    src: www.sott.net


    An Experiment in Criticism: MIA Google Logos
    src: 4.bp.blogspot.com

    External links

    • "Google v/s Google Products" on Down Blogspot in Pakistan.
    • "Google Email Service" Gmail "Privacy Sacrifice for Extra Storage Space", Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, April 2, 2004
    • "Google Flumks Privacy Group", Lisa Vaas, eWeek.com , June 12, 2007
    • "Who is afraid of Google?", The Economist , August 30, 2007
    • "10 reasons to turn off Google Buzz", Mushon Zer-Aviv, Mushon.com , February 17, 2010
    • "Realism Googlist: The Google-China Story and the free-information regime as a new site of cultural imperialism and moral tension", Tricia Wang, Cultural Bytes , June 29, 2010
    • "How to Eliminate Your Google Search History Before Google's New Privacy Policy", Eva Galperin, Electronic Frontier Foundation, February 21, 2012
    • "Google faces a 3 billion euro antitrust penalty", Google faces an antitrust fines of 3 billion euros
    • "150 Plus Google Criticism" 150 Reasons to get rid of google search.

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
