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Fremantle Prison , sometimes referred to as Fremantle Gaol or Fremantle Jail , is a former Australian prison and World Heritage Site in Fremantle, Western Australia. The six-acre site (15-acre) includes prison cells, gates, perimeter walls, cottages, and tunnels. Originally used for inmates transported from the UK, but was transferred to the colonial government in 1886 to be used for detainees sentenced to local convictions. The Royal Commission was held in 1898 and 1911, and instigated some reforms on the prison system, but significant changes did not begin until the 1960s. The government department responsible for the prison underwent several reorganizations in the 1970s and 1980s, but Fremantle Prison culture was resistant to change. Dissatisfaction increased in custody in the 1988 riot with guard hostage, and a fire that caused damage of $ 1.8 million. The prison was closed in 1991, replaced by the new maximum-security Casuarina Prison.

The prison is run by a public finance supervisor, sheriff, or director, who is in charge of all prisoners or prison systems in Western Australia, and a warden in charge of the prison itself. Prison officials, known as wardens in the 19th century, worked in tight conditions until they reached representation through the West Australian Prison Officers' Union. Inmates initially had good characters as future colonists, but less-wanted prisoners were finally sent. As a locally managed prison, the inhabitants of Fremantle were generally white prisoners who were sentenced shortly in the 1890s, with very few Aboriginal prisoners. At the end of the 20th century, most prisoners served longer sentences, a higher proportion of them were violence, and Aboriginal people were more represented.

The prison life in Fremantle is well organized. Food is an important part of the day, eaten in cells throughout the operational life of the prison. Prisoners or detainees were used in public infrastructure works until about 1911; After that, only work inside the prison is allowed, although it is never enough to fully occupy the prisoners. Punishment varied over the years, with whips and time in irons eventually replaced by extension of sentences and visitor or entertainment grabs. Over 40 ornaments were performed in Fremantle Prison, which was the only valid place of legal execution under Western Australian Law, between 1888 and 1984. Runners included Moondyne Joe, and John Boyle O'Reilly and six other Fenians on the 19th century, and Brenden Abbott in 1989. There were various riots and other disorders, with major unrest causing damage in 1968 and 1988.

Since 1991, Fremantle Prison has been preserved as a recognized heritage site, and various restoration works have been undertaken. New uses have been found for several buildings inside the prison, which has also become a significant tourist attraction. The process of obtaining a World Heritage list as part of the submission of the Australian Conquest Site focused on historical interpretation and conservation efforts in prison detention (1850 - 1886), at the expense of its more recent history, including the Aboriginal prisoners held there.

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The Fremantle Prison is built on a grant of approximately 36 hectares (15 hectares) of limestone excavated on site. The 15 foot (4.6 m) barrier wraps the prison area, with a gate in the middle of the west wall, facing The Terrace. Other avenues adjacent to this site are Knutsford Street to the north, Hampton Road to the east, and Fothergill Street to the south. The cottage, which houses workers and prison officials, is located outside the walls on either side of the gate. Inside the wall, the parade land is located east of the gate of the house. Outside it is the Main Cell Block at the center of the site, which contains two chapels. To the north of the main block is the New Division, and to its west, in the northwest corner, is the former Women's Prison, formerly a cookhouse, a bakehouse, and a laundry. The hospital building stands at the northeast corner, while the former workshop is located in the southeast corner, as well as north of the gate of the house. An underground tunnel system, built to provide fresh water from the aquifer, runs under the eastern edge of the site.


House on The Terrace

North of the front gate, located at 2, 4, and 6 The Terrace, is a cottage built in Victorian style, in contrast to Georgian style from other houses. Number 10 is a two-storey house, originally built in 1853 for priests, but taken over by supervisors in 1878 and later used by the prison administration. One adjacent floor at number 12, completed in 1854, was the gatekeeper's house, located on the north side of the gate of the house. Number 16 Terrace, south of the guardhouse, is a two-storey house that houses the supervisor first, and then becomes a resident judge. It remained used as housing for prison officials until the 1970s. Number 18, the southernmost house on The Terrace, and number 8, the northernmost of the original building, both featuring two sitting rooms, three bedrooms, and two dressing rooms, as well as kitchens, water closets and warehouses, but with mirror layouts. Number 18 was expanded with the addition built in the 1890s.


The associated gate and entrance complex was built between 1854 and 1855 using the inmate labor. It was designed by Royal Engineer and Financial Controller General Edmund Henderson, and was built of limestone. The gate has two minarets on either side of the narrow gate, reminiscent of the gates found in 13th-century English palaces or walled cities. The iron that had been scavenged from the wreck was used to make the gate, while the clock at the top of the structure was imported from England. As the main entrance, the guardhouse remains a significant feature and landmark; since closing the prison, has placed a cafe and office area. Restoration was carried out in 2005, preserving the original stone facade and removing non-original rendering.

Main Cell Block

Slightly changed since its construction in the 1850s by inmates, the Stem Block is designed to accommodate up to 1000 prisoners. Four-storey upper level cell blocks are flanked on both ends by a large dormitory ward, called the Association Chamber. Here, as many as 80 men sleep in hammocks, either as a gift for good behavior or because they will soon receive their vacation ticket. In contrast, narrow cells are measured only seven times four feet (2.1 x 1.2 m). Although each cell initially has a basin connected to running water, the installation prior to the emergence of S-turns; the smell that came into the pipeline caused their removal in the 1860s. Following the Royal Commission, the cells are enlarged by removing the separating wall from between two cells. Electric lighting was installed in 1920, but there was never a toilet - a bucket was used during a prison operation. Since the closing of the prison, six cells have been restored to represent different living conditions at different times in prison history. The main block also houses the gallows, isolation cells, and two chapels - Anglican and Catholic.

New Division

The New Fremantle Prison Division building was built between 1904 and 1907, in response to density. It also allows prison administrators to implement a "separate system", where prisoners are completely isolated during the first three months of their punishment. A panoptic on the exercise page was originally used to facilitate this concept during the prisoner's daily training hours. The system is unsuccessful, and is considered a dated prisoner management strategy, leading to its removal within five years. The New Division is the first building to have electricity, with an underground cable. During World War II, the Australian Army took over the division, to keep their detainees separated from the main population. In 1994 the building was installed to serve offices, small businesses, and meeting rooms.

Women Women's Prison

The north-west complex was originally a service area with a cookhouse, bakehouse and laundry, built in the 1850s. Female detention centers are required after Perth Gaol closure and transfer of prisoners to Fremantle. The buildings were converted into prisons, and walls were built around them, creating Australia's first separate prison for women. The population and growth of crime caused them to be extended in the 1890s and 1910s. Construction of the Bandyup Women's Prison saw Fremantle Women's Prison close in 1970, with space used for education and assessment until the closure of the main jail in 1991.


Built between 1857 and 1859, the hospital was an important component of the Fremantle Prison. Public works during prisoners depend on work penalties, which can only be granted if the prisoners are healthy. From 1886 to 1903, medical services were transferred to main cell blocks, with former buildings used to hold disabled and female detainees. The hospital was renewed and reopened in 1904. Then the hospital continued to operate until the closure of the prison in 1991.


The original workshop was a blacksmith shop, one of the first buildings built on a prison site. Later known as the East Workshops, other workshops included carpenters, plumbers and painters, printing offices, and from the 1850s, metal shops. Western workshops were built in the early twentieth century, providing more jobs for the prisoners through paint shops, mats, shoemakers, bookshelves and tailor shops. In 1993, four northern workshops were adapted for use as TAFE art workshops.


In the 1850s, the shaft was sunk into limestone to provide a prison with clean water from the aquifer, and a tank was installed in 1874 to offer the city of Fremantle as an alternative water source. The inmates work the pump to fill the tank, which is connected to the dock through a gravity feeding tube. In 1896, a municipal reservoir was built on Swanbourne Street, fed from a prison by a triple-expansion triple pump that could take more than 4.5 megalithres (1,000,000 imperial gallons) per day from the prison tunnel. Inmates, who are free from manual pumping, are employed to supply wood and power the boiler. The tunnel was closed in 1910, though ground water continued to be used for the prison park. In 1989, the leaking of oil from a nearby tank polluted the water; However, the pollution was cleaned in 1996 through bioremediation. The tunnel reopened in mid-2005, and has been fixed within a year to improve the experience for visitors.

Maps Fremantle Prison


19th century

While the Swan River Colony was founded as a "free settlement" (unlike the criminal colonies on the east coast), in the 1840s the demand for cheap labor overcame early aversion, and the colonies agreed to accept some prisoners from England. The arrival of the first prisoner ship Scindian on June 2, 1850 was unexpected, as the sailing ship that had been sent ahead was thrown off the track. The Colony House Prison was full, so 75 inmates had to be abandoned on board until a temporary prison was built. General Financial Controller Convicts Edward Henderson was looking for a place to build a permanent convict establishment, and finally settled on the site today, on a hill overlooking Fremantle.

The design for Fremantle Prison is based on Pentonville Prison in England, but with diagonal cell blocks replaced by a four-story linear structure, which will be the longest and highest jail cell block in the southern hemisphere. Construction began in 1851, and work quickly developed following the arrival of the Royal Engineers at the end of that year. They train inmates to work with limestone, excavated on site. The first priority is the construction of accommodation for Henderson and prison wardens, to free the cost of paying for private lodging.

The walls of the prison were built between 1853 and 1855, while the associated gates and associated complexes were built in 1854 and 1855. The construction of the southern part of the Main Cell Block began in 1853 and was completed in 1855, with prisoners being transferred from temporary prisons on 1 June 1855. Construction of the north wing followed. The Crimean War sees the Royal Engineers recalling, leaving only one of them, Henry Wray, to oversee the construction of the building, which was completed by the end of 1859.

During the Western Australia convict era, the prison was known as the Formation of Prisoners, and used for prisoners transported from the UK. Prisoners sentenced to long-term punishment were also held there since 1858, at a cost to the colonial government. In 1868, transportation to Western Australia ceased, and the number of inmates in the colony declined gradually, to 83 in the mid-1880s. Due to the enormous cost to send these inmates back to the UK, the authorities there negotiated with the colonial government to release jurisdiction over them, as well as the prison-demolition complex was considered too expensive. Initial negotiations had failed, but resumed in August 1883. After a year and a half, a compromise was reached, and the transfer was completed on 31 March 1886.

After the prison was under the control of the colonial government, it renamed the Fremantle Prison. All the prisoners in Perth Gaol were transferred to Fremantle, and of the 1,887 female prisoners also imprisoned there, in their own separate section. The Western Australian golden invasion of the 1890s resulted in strong economic growth, and a large population increase: twice that of nearly 50,000 in 1891 to more than 100,000 in 1895, and to 184,000 in 1901. people who are hopeless and dishonest, from elsewhere. in Australia and abroad, and Fremantle Prison is quickly overcrowded.

The 1890s also saw growing public unease with the treatment of prisoners. In September 1898, the Royal Commission was formed by the Governor of Western Australia to investigate the colonization system. The Commission heard evidence from nearly 240 witnesses, including a number of prisoners. Three reports were made between December 1898 and June 1899, dealing with the most recognizable and prominent issues including classification, punishment, punishment, and diet. In particular, they regard the philosophy of the prison system - the cause of evil, as well as the types of punishment and their justification - and in this light, the practicality of various reform proposals.

The beginning of the 20th century

Within a year of investigation, nearly 100 cells had been enlarged by knocking down the inner wall between two cells, and a classification system was introduced. The internal wall is built on the main block, creating four separate divisions. Following the insistence of Inspector General George's prison and official investigations, a new workshop was built to provide increased employment benefits to prisoners. Five spaces are designed for tailors, bookbinders, shoemakers, mat makers and painters.

New regulations for prison officials were published in the Gazette in 1902, and the newly enacted Prison Act in 1903. While in theory, the graduation of the Act should have resulted in significant prison reform, this did not materialize. The legislation left many changes to the executive rules, at the wisdom of the governor, and was described by the media as a weak document.

New Division, completed in 1907 and occupied in 1908, results of the 1899 report The Commissioner recommends a modified version of a separate system. The new division is similar in design to the 1850s Henderson structure, but is built in L-shape, only three floors, and has electric lighting. It also differs in its use from the main cell block. Unlike previous occupants of the building, prisoners remain in their cells except when exercising in separate yards, watching the panoptic style by the warden in the central tower.

In 1911 another Royal Commission's investigation into Fremantle Prison recommended closure of the facility. His report was ignored by the state government, more concerned with infrastructure development such as roads and schools than the fate of his prisoners. However, there was a rapid change in prison policy, with the appointment of an inspector, Hugh Hann, who had recent English and colonial experience, and Labor Party election with members interested in correctional reform. One immediate outcome was the dismantling of separate systems in Fremantle Prison and the dismantling of separate yards in 1912.

Fremantle prison was partly used as a military prison during both world wars - for the detention of military personnel, as well as an internment center. From 1940 to 1946, it was one of more than 50 military jails across Australia that had a combined total of more than 12,000 foreign enemies and prisoners of war. Fremantle housed up to 400 military detainees and up to 160 civilian prisoners in October 1945. The takeover of World War II required the commissioning of Barton Mill Prison in 1942.

20th century Reform

The imprisonment was established as part of the reforms of the 20th century, and to reduce the density in Fremantle. Pardelup Prison Farm opened in 1927, near Mount Barker, while Barton Mill, although planned as a temporary measure, remained open as a prison after World War II. Significant reforms of the Western Australian prison system did not begin until the 1960s, lagging behind those occurring elsewhere in Australia and the world after World War II. Seven new prisons were opened between 1960 and 1971, and in 1970, female detainees and staff were transferred from Fremantle to the new Bandyup Women's Prison. New legislation on probation, parole, and punished drunks were also introduced, which provided an alternative for imprisonment. With this new arrangement, and more variations in prisons and types of prisons, the classification board was established in 1963 to assess prisoners.

The appointment of Colin Campbell as general monitors in 1966 led to substantial changes in Fremantle Prison itself. One of his first changes was to clean up the backlog of the custody classification committee that was awaiting assessment. Campbell also established an officer training school, as well as an assessment center to evaluate new detainees. Launch of work and community service programs were also introduced, along with training programs, social workers and welfare workers. In the midst of Campbell's reforms, the Department of Prisons was renamed the Department of Corrections in 1971, restructured, and the position of the general monitors was replaced by department directors.

In 1972, the Royal Commission was appointed to investigate the persecution and discrimination against Aboriginal prisoners. His 1973 report found that there was no "meaningful discrimination"; however, racial stereotypes existed throughout the report, and Aboriginal prisoners' testimonies were considered unreliable. The report also makes recommendations on various aspects of prison life, including additional independent and trained welfare officers.

William Kidston replaced Campbell in 1977, and oversaw the policy shift from paternalistic "rehabilitation" of prisoners to simply providing opportunities for rehabilitation. The newly enacted Prison Act of 1981, which renewed the Act of 1903 with modern philosophy and practice. This action, however, tilts towards the management and safety of prisoners, and the department is at the same time renamed the Department of Prisons once again, to emphasize the prison as its primary responsibility. Ian Hill became Director of the Prison Department in 1983, and reorganized the department several times, trying to improve efficiency. While the 1980s changes are effective in most Western Australian prison systems, the Fremantle Prison culture is resistant to change. Prisoners of dissatisfied prisoners eventually culminated in the 1988 prison riots, investigated by an official investigation later that year.

Closure and subsequent use

The state government made the decision to close Fremantle prison in 1983, but remained in operation until 30 November 1991. The prisoners were transferred to the new metropolitan maximum security prison in Casuarina. There are different views in the community over the future of the site, whether it should be maintained or redeveloped. The final decision is to conserve the prison, but it is possible for the building to be adapted for reuse by the public.

The Fremantle Prison Trust was established in 1992 to advise the Minister of Work about the management of this site. New uses were found for various parts of the prison, including the wedding service in the chapel, the Coastal Business Center in the New Division, and the Fremantle Children's Literature Center at the hospital; prison is also a tourist attraction. A private company, the Fremantle Prison Keeper, arranged for ten years of tour operation under contract, until the end of 2001; after that, the state government takes control. A dormitory providing short-term accommodation in the Women's Prison opened in May 2015.

Experience : The Fremantle Prison | Our Naked Australia
src: www.ournakedaustralia.com.au

Staff and prisoners


The first Australian first Australian accused accountant, Edmund Henderson, set the convict's establishment for thirteen years. The primary responsibility of the general finance supervisor is to "direct labor and be responsible for the discipline of prisoners". With the transfer of Fremantle Prison to the colonial government in 1886, the role of the financial overseer was replaced by the sheriff, who was in charge of all the prisons in the colony. The position of the general monitors was reinvented, with the task of being separated from the sheriff's office, as early as 1911. In 1971, the Department of Prison was renamed the Ministry of Corrections, restructured, and the general monetary position replaced by the department director. While the financial controller, sheriff, or director is responsible for the entire convict or prison system, mostly centered around Fremantle Prison, the responsibility of the prison itself is in the hands of the supervisor.


On prisoner ships, inmates are guarded by retired guards, whose soldiers are given retirement for their services in areas such as China, Crimea, and Afghanistan. Some remain in the military, but many choose to stay in the colony as settlers, having brought their wives and children with them. The pensioners are expected to help with the incidents of rioting in prison.

Fremantle Prison officials were known as wardens until the early 20th century. They live in specially built patio houses within walking distance of the prison, and their lives are just as tight as the prisoners. In the 1890s the guards still had strict life and working conditions, including ten to twelve hours each day. Due to the high turnover rate, many have little knowledge of official policies or unofficial rules and traditions. The role of the warden, previously unwritten, was only made clear in 1902. As well as guarding against escape and enforcing discipline, they supervised the work of the detainees and instructed the inmates in trade. The guards should also be a moral example for the prisoners, while maintaining a formal, distant relationship.

The role of prison officers in the 20th century has not changed much, with the work still involving a tedious daily routine that focuses on security. Officer training became a priority under Campbell's administration, from the late 1960s. The training courses are prepared for induction and promotion of staff, and seminars begin for senior officers. However, the most significant change in this period was that prison officials reached representation through the West Australian Prison Officers' Union. The strength of trade unions is based on the ability to paralyze the prison system through strike action, first taken in 1975.


Prisoners were introduced to Western Australia for three main purposes: cheap labor, additional manpower, and injection of British government spending into the local economy. During the early years of transportation, the generally young inmates, from rural backgrounds, and well-characterized, only committed minor offenses - potential invaders, after their sentences were served. In the 1860s the older majority, more serious offenders from urban areas, including political prisoners were considered "difficult and dangerous". After the transfer of Fremantle Prison to local control in 1886, he became the main prison of Western Australia. In the late 1880s and 1890s the number of inmates swelled dramatically. This increase mainly consists of prisoners serving a shorter sentence of less than three months. The number of inmates in 1897 was 379, and the Prison Inspector James Roe viewed the prison as "incomplete".

Despite the large expansion of the prison system, the problem of density remained throughout the 20th century, as did West Australia's high level of detention relative to the rest of Australia. The nature of the detainee changed, with three times the proportion of children aged 16 to 19 in 1984 compared to 1898, and the more representation of Aboriginal prisoners to nearly half of the imprisoned population. Penalties also increased in length, so that in 1984 more than 80% of inmates underwent more than one year. In the 1970s and 1980s, there was an increase in the number of people committing crimes by force, but still a minority of the population. However, both staff and inmates, felt a marked increase in violence over the years, coinciding with the rise of illegal drugs in prisons, and punishment for drug-related offenses.

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src: pix10.agoda.net

Prison operations


At the Convict of 1855 Establishment, the day begins with a buzzer at 4:30 am, and officers and prisoners gather at the parade grounds at 5:25 am. Inmates are sent to work before and after breakfast (in their cell), before gathering to gather in the middle of the day. This is followed by dinner in the workout or workplace, and more work throughout the afternoon, until dinner hours at 6:00 pm in the cell. The night clerk took over at 7:15 pm. The transfer of Establishment of Prisoners to Colonial-run Fremantle Prison saw little change, and no new rules.

Similar routines, but with fewer working hours, were described in the 1930s:

The following routines are observed by those who go to Fremantle Jail: - 6.15 am., Warning bell; custody up and sleeping fold. 6.30. officers collect and open the cell. 7.0. [sic] breakfast, which lasts 15 minutes, after which the men gather in their courtyards. 7.55, parade to work. 11.45, a parade for dinner, after which the man is in the yard till 1 pm, parade to work; 4.45 parade for tea. 5.30. collect; all cells, etc., locked for the night. 7.55. bell warning; sleeping prisoners. 8.0, [ sic ] is on except as regulated in the reform rule.

Not much has changed in the 1960s. The day starts with the buzzer wakes up at 6:45 am. After a prisoner counts, they move to the yard until 7:30, when they collect breakfast and return to their cell. The 8:00 bell signifies the parade, and then commencement of work, which lasts until 11:15. They eat, locked in their cells until 12:20, followed by some time in the yard. At 1 am there was another parade, and another work session that lasted until 4:15 pm. Other meals were collected, and prisoners were locked in their cells overnight. The lights continued on until 9:30 pm. On weekends, routines do not feature works, and include movies played for prisoners.


Inmates ate in their cells, from the early years of prison until closure in 1991. Bread from bakehouse prison was included in every food in the era of inmates. Served with black tea for breakfast, and with tea or chocolate in the evening. The main meal, called dinner, is in the middle of the day, and also serves soup, meat, and vegetables. In the 1890s food was still very limited in number, with little vegetables. The porridge was given for breakfast, usually too liquid or too dense, and the general standard of prison food was quite low, especially in 1897 and 1898. However, the quality soon improved, as noted by the 1898 Royal Commission, which recommended reducing the allotment to reduce costs.

In the 1960s, food preparation was supervised by a qualified chef, who also trained prisoners. Diet consists of quality food, but "without decoration". Breakfast is porridge, with a third of a liter of milk, hot drinks (tea, unless the prisoners buy coffee or chocolate), and Vegemite, honey, or margarine, depending on the week. Lunches and dinners are more varied. Both meals consist of meat dishes - corned beef, sausage, or small pies - as well as mashed potatoes and cabbage, although sometimes there is a roast dinner. Meat, vegetables, and bread were still an important part of the diet in 1991.


In addition to being used to build the prison itself, workers' inmates, with inmates in chain gangs, are used for other public works in Fremantle and surrounding areas in Perth, including The Causeway, Perth Town Hall and Stirling Highway. The work done by an inmate depends on their behavior and attitude. Arriving in Western Australia, the inmates were kept in jail during the observation period. If found to have a reasonable disposition, the convict will be sent to work, in the gang under the warden's control. Common activities include "digging, filling the swamp, burning lime, building public buildings, roads and docks" around Fremantle and Perth.

After some time, they may be sent to work on roads or other projects away from the main settlement. Continued good behavior can see the convicted person who is given a leave ticket, allowing private employment in certain colony districts, and finally Conditional Pardon, allowing most of the freedoms, except for returning to the UK. The Freedom Certificate will only be given at the end of the sentence. Bad manners will result in job demotion through this level of work, including returning to prisoner status in prison. The abducted and runaway, after the corporal punishment and time in solitary confinement, will be placed on a chain gang that does forced labor, usually on the road near Fremantle.

Outside work, mostly on public infrastructure, continues beyond the era of inmates, but gradually declines due to disciplinary problems, the emergence of trade unions that see such work as a "threat to free labor", and an increased emphasis on employment as rehabilitation rather than punishment. By 1911 outside work had ceased, but could not be replaced by work within the prison wall; a lack of suitable work struck the prison throughout his lifetime. The work of the nineteenth century consisted of cooking, washing clothes, cleaning prisons, sewing, making shoes, and printing. However, demand exceeded the availability of the work - increasing in the later years of the nineteenth century - so prisoners were also given activities with no practical value other than keeping them busy. This includes breaking rocks, operating a water pump, and choosing an oakum. Even with this extra activity, in 1899, 60 to 70 men were hired at the pump, each doing only a few minutes of work per hour, and spending the rest of the time with recreation like a concept.

The new workshop, built in 1901, allows detainees to work in shoe-making and sewing, and from 1904, printing. Only a small portion of the prisoners were allocated to the workshop - 35 from the average 279 prisoners in 1902. In 1908, there were still some people working in the workshop, 20 in sewing, 15 in shoe making, and 12 in making mats, with only half of this worked at a time, and a slight improvement by the Royal Commission of 1911. The 20th century saw little change in the work of the prisoners. There were similar workshops, with the addition of metal work, and similar work around the prison complex, including in the laundry, in the kitchen, and cleaning the jail. In 1984, 90% of detainees were reported to be employed, either full-time or part-time work. The meaning of the work is nominal, because work is seen as a "management choice rather than [for] production," but security and discipline issues limit the value of job rehabilitation, and limit most jobs to jobs outside the prison.


In the era of inmates, especially during Hampton's tenure as governor, rogue prisoners were punished with whips, solitary confinement, and worked in gangs at gunpoint. Very hard prisoners are forced to work pumping groundwater into a prison dam. Known as cranking, it was mainly insulted by the prisoners. The staff disliked the glamor - in 1851, out of a total of 400 whips ordered, 150 were sent because the inspector could not find anyone to do the job. The role is strongly disliked that persuasion is offered, including additional payments or lodging increases.

In the 1880s, punishment also included a limited diet of bread and water (for a short span of time), time in the iron, and an extension of a prisoner sentence by a guest judge. The nine cats, which have been used since the early days of prison, were abolished during post-1911 Royal Commission reforms. Other reforms in this period saw the number of sentences handed down from 184 in 1913 to 57 in 1914, and 35 in 1915.

The flogging was stopped in the 1940s, with the last incident occurring in 1943. From that decade, the punishment was decided by the inspector after hearing the case against the detainee, or by the judge for a gross violation. Small offenses may result in isolation, or restrictions from visitors, education, and concerts; Serious offenses can be punished by cancellation of any remissions earned and bread and water diet, usually over a two-week period.


Soon after the Fremantle Prison was under local control in 1886, a fireproof block with a gallows was planned. It was completed in 1888, and was first used in 1889 to execute the convicted murderer, Jimmy Long, a Malay. The gallows space was the only legitimate execution place in Western Australia between 1888 and 1984. At least 43 men and one woman were hanged in this period. Martha Rendell was the only woman hanged in prison, in 1909. The last person hanged was the serial killer Eric Edgar Cooke, who was executed in 1964.

From the day of the death penalty, prisoners are stored in concrete floor cells in New Division. They are vigilantly observed to prevent them from escaping their punishment through suicide. With the ornaments taking place on Monday morning at 8:00 am, the cursed prisoners were built three hours earlier, and provided with the last meal, bath, and clean clothes. After that, they were handcuffed, they were transferred to the hold or "cursed cell" near the gallows, and let some brandy gulps to calm their nerves. Shortly before 8:00 am, they were hooded, heading for the execution room, which could hold as many as eleven witnesses, standing above the trap door, attaching a rope around their neck, and hanging by dropping it through an open trap. door. After the medical examination, the deceased was transferred for burial.


There are many escape experiments from Fremantle Prison. Prominent escapes included Moondyne Joe in 1867, John Boyle O'Reilly in 1869 and six other Fenians in 1876, and Brenden Abbott in 1989.

Moondyne Joe

Joseph Bolitho Johns, better known as Moondyne Joe, is the most famous bushranger in Western Australia. In July 1865, Johns was sentenced to ten years' probation for killing a driver. He and other prisoners escaped from a work party in early November, and on the run for almost a month, during which time Johns adopted the epithet of Moondyne Joe. Due to his escape and having a firearm, Moondyne Joe was sentenced to twelve months in iron, and transferred to Fremantle Prison. In July 1866, he received another six months with iron for trying to cut the key from his door, but in August Moondyne Joe managed to escape again. Moondyne Joe formulated a plan to escape from the colony by traveling overland to South Australia, but was arrested on September 29 some 300 kilometers (190 miles) northeast of Perth.

As a punishment for escaping and for a robbery committed while on the run, Moondyne Joe received five years of hard work over the remainder of his sentence. Exceptional steps were taken to ensure that he did not run away again. He was transferred to Fremantle Prison where a special "escape-proof" cell was made for him, built of stone, covered with jarrah sleepers and over 1000 spikes. In early 1867 Moondyne Joe began to work on breaking the stone, but instead of allowing him to leave the prison, the acting-general ordered that the stone be brought in and dumped in the corner of the prison yard, where Moondyne Joe worked under the watchful eye of the warden.

Governor John Hampton was very confident of his arrangement, he was heard saying to Moondyne Joe: "If you go out again, I will forgive you". However, the stone destroyed by Moondyne Joe was not disposed of regularly, and eventually the pile grew until it obscured the guard's view beneath his waist. Partly hidden behind a pile of rocks, he occasionally swung a hammer on the limestone walls of the prison. On March 7, 1867, Moondyne Joe escaped through the hole he made on the prison wall. A few days before the second anniversary of his escape, Moondyne Joe retook, returned to jail, and was sentenced to an additional four years in iron. Finally, Governor Frederick Weld heard his predecessor's promise from Hampton, and decided that further punishment would be unfair. Moondyne Joe was given a leave ticket in May 1871.

The Fenians

From 1865 to 1867, British authorities gathered supporters of the Irish Republic's Ikhwan, or Fenians, an Irish independence movement, and transferred sixty-two of them to Western Australia. In 1869, John Boyle O'Reilly escaped on the American whaling vessel Gazelle and settled in Boston. Later that year, a pardon was granted to many imprisoned Fenians, after which only eight Fenians left were left in Western Australia's imprisonment system.

The Fenians in America purchased the Catalpa whaling vessel, which on 29 April 1875 sailed from New Bedford, Massachusetts on a secret rescue mission. In coordination with local Fenian agents, the escape was arranged for 17 April 1876, when most of the Convict Founding garrison will watch the Royal Perth Yacht Club regatta. Catalpa dropped an international waters off Rockingham and sent a cruise ship to the beach. At eight-thirty, six Fenians working at work parties outside the prison walls escaped, and were picked up by a train that ran 50 kilometers (31 miles) south to where the ship was waiting.

The submarine managed to meet up with Catalpa the next day, which then headed overboard. They were chased by the Georgette SS steamers, which had been occupied by the colonial governor. Although Georgette succeeded in following with a whaler on April 19, Catalpa 's claimed they were in international waters, and attacks on Catalpa will be considered an act of war against the United States. Not wanting to cause a diplomatic incident, Georgette allowed Catalpa to escape.
Brenden Abbott

Brenden Abbott, "The Postcard Bandit", escaped from Fremantle Prison in 1989. He has been sentenced to twelve years in prison for the first Australian robbery 'bank robbery' in the Belmont branch of the Commonwealth Bank. While working at a jail tailor shop, he can sew together overalls similar to those worn by guards. Abbott and his two accomplices took the opportunity to escape, wearing overalls, when left unattended at the workshop. They cut a bar and climbed to the roof. One accomplice fell and broke his leg, but Abbott and the others managed to jump onto the wall, and thus fled.

Abbott avoided arrest until 1995, committing various robberies as he moved across Australia. He also escaped from Queensland jail after two years and returned to Western Australia, allegedly robbing Mirrabooka branch of Commonwealth Bank. Abbott was recaptured in Darwin, six months after his flight, and sent to Queensland's maximum security prison with a twenty-year sentence to serve.


There were various prisoner riots and other disturbances at the Fremantle Prison for years of operation. One of the earliest was in 1854, while the great unrest that occurred in 1968 and 1988 caused damage to the prison.


The riot occurred on 4 June 1968, triggered by the presentation of food suspected of being contaminated to the prisoners the night before. Other contributing factors are the incomplete and sad sanitary and personal hygiene conditions, tougher penalties introduced with the 1964 Parole Act, and population density. When the working bell sounded at 1 pm, the prisoners rebelled; refused to get back to work, they gathered in the practice yard. The prison supervisor Mr. Thorpe negotiated with two envoy envoys. In addition to better food, they demand a single cell and special warden dismissal.

After about three hours, the negotiations failed, and the dinner dinner was arrested. It caused the prisoners to become riot, to damage the equipment; during the commotion, three prison officers, three prisoners, and a detective were wounded. The police and the extra warder arrived at 5 pm, but it took seven hours to subdue the prisoners, with the latter locked in their cell just after midnight. The damage rate is $ 200 to $ 300. To reduce the density and reduce the agitation of detainees, about 60 non-participating in riots were transferred to prisons in Albany, Geraldton, Karnet and Barton's Mill. However, other improvements can not be made without funding from the state government, which does not consider prison reform a priority.


On January 4, 1988, despite a temperature of 42 ° C (108 ° F), officers decided the prisoners should remain outside on the training ground in the afternoon. When the 3rd division prisoners were allowed in at about 4 pm, a voice called "Let's take it", and simultaneously, the guard was doused with boiling water, usually used to make tea. A group of prisoners stormed the cell block, attacking the guards with whatever junk weapons they could find. This results in chaos; prisoners rushed along the landing, subduing the officers and holding them hostage, while at the same time another prisoner raced through the cells, starting a fire. The prisoners retired to the practice yard, taking six hostages, as the fire quickly raided the building, spreading to the ceiling, and causing the roof to collapse.

Police negotiators communicate with ring leaders, and at night only five hostages remain. Meanwhile, firefighters had trouble carrying inferno in the main cell block under control, because the prison gate was too narrow for their truck, and prisoners hampered their efforts by throwing debris at them. Detainee leaders made three demands: a meeting with Attorney General Joseph Berinson, access to the media, and no guarantee of retaliation thereafter. The next morning, after 19 hours, the hostages were released, though only the third request was fulfilled. However, the inmates had a chance to communicate with the press during the siege, because the riot was a live media event with a television helicopter shooting from the top.

Although there were no casualties, the fire caused damage of $ 1.8 million, and officers were wounded. After the riots, there was widespread media attention in Fremantle Prison, and investigative reporters found previous warnings to the prison authorities about the risk of such an event. The government hurriedly initiated an investigation into the incident, and the report was completed within six weeks. A trial involving thirty-three prisoners indicted for the riots was also detained, the largest in the state's history, resulting in an extended sentence for detainees.

Fremantle Prison â€
src: www.tomthorpe.co.uk


Historical list

Fremantle Prison was listed on the Register of Western Australian Historic Sites as a temporary entry on January 10, 1992 and entered as a permanent entry on June 30, 1995. Described as the best preserved prison jail in the country, it became the first building in Western Australia to be listed on the National Heritage List of Australia , in 2005. The Australian Federal Heritage Minister, Sen. Ian Campbell, stated that it would be included in the nomination of eleven prisoner areas to become a World Heritage Site. Five years later, these sites were listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2010 as an Australian Prisoner Site.

The process of obtaining a World Heritage list focusing on historical interpretation and conservation efforts in the prisoners' prison era. This comes at the expense of its more recent history, including its use as an internment center during World War II, and the imprisonment of Aboriginal prisoners. Prioritization, which is clear from the first conservation plan from before the prison is closed, is reflected in the imaging of the tourist experience as "Fremantle Prison - Establishment of Prisoners", and through restorations that, while necessary to prevent damage and decline, eliminate the latest history of the site.


Various parts of Fremantle Prison have had restoration work done since the 1990s; a total of $ 800,000 spent between 1996/97 and 1998/99 for works including restoring the facade of the Anglican chapel. In 2005, work was done for the recovery of the prison gate area. The non-original rendering was removed and the original stone was revealed. Work was also completed in the tunnel during 2005/06, and major cell blocks were restored with an eighteen-month project, $ 1.9 million in 2006 and 2007. The gallery space was restored in 2013 for the conditions at the time of its last execution, in 1964.

Fremantle Prison - Fremantle Wedding Venues - Our Wedding Date
src: www.ourweddingdate.com.au


Fremantle Prison welcomes international and domestic tourists, as well as former prisoners, former prison officials, and their descendants. The number of tourists increases every year from 2001/02 to 2009/10, up from almost 105,000 to nearly 180,000 during the period. In 2014, prisons have won, become finalists in, or received other awards in tourism awards or inheritance annually since 2006. While the tour experience is based on authenticity and heritage values, some details are hidden or not emphasized, such as prison shelling, riots , and graffiti depicting revenge, sexuality, or brutality.

Attractions include guided tours, visitor centers with searchable prison databases, art galleries, cafà © Å ©, souvenir shops, and tourist accommodations. Educational activities are regularly held for school children, such as exhibitions and re-enactments of historical events. Functions such as theme parties and dinners are held in prison, with re-enactments serving as entertainment. The prison tour shows the aspects of prison life and tells of a successful and successful escape. Parts of the tunnel are accessible, and the night tour focuses on prison reputations for being haunted.

The Fremantle Prison Collection contains about 15,000 objects related to prison sites, history, or the experiences of workers and inmates. It is also involved in preserving oral history, with interview transcripts stored in Fremantle Prison and archived recordings in the Oral Battye Oral Library Collections. Recollections have been recorded since 1989, and include experience from authorities, staff, volunteers and detainees. Notes and collections Fremantle Prison, including archeology, provides a great resource for researchers.

The Prison Gallery showcases and offers for sale artwork from former and current Western Australian prisoners. It also hosts other exhibitions related to prison history, including historical artifacts. Many cell and prison areas depict the artwork of the prisoners, including the work of the 19th century sculptor James Walsh, whose art is hidden under layers of white washing for decades. Painting or drawing on walls was initially banned, although graffiti, which could be seen as art or vandalism, occurred throughout the operational years of imprisonment. This rule is relaxed in special cases - including, from 1976, long-term detainees in their own cells - but only for work considered art and not graffiti. Art, or art therapy, was not officially permitted until the 1980s; graffiti was never formally permitted, but in the last six months of imprisonment, with close closure, the rule was not enforced.

A more contemporary prison artist is Dennis (NOZ) Nozworthy, who claims that he discovered the art of the death penalty, in 1982. Some of his works are currently held at Curtin University's collection, Perth Central TAFE, and the WA Government, Department of Justice. The other cell contains Aboriginal artwork, many works of unknown artists. Walmajarri's artist, Jimmy Pike, began painting in Fremantle prison, having received tuition from Steve Culley and David Wroth.

Fremantle Prison YHA 6A The Terrace Fremantle
src: q-xx.bstatic.com

See also

  • List of reportedly haunted locations
  • List of inmates ship to Western Australia
  • Parkhurst apparatus
  • Tourism in Perth
  • Leading detainees:
    • David Birnie - serial killer
    • John ButtonÃ, - aired 5 years after being convicted of arbitrary killings
    • Bon Scott - former vocalist of the AC/DC rock band spent time in the Assessment Center before being transferred to Riverbank Children's Institution
    • James Wilson - an Irish Nationalist

Experience : The Fremantle Prison | Our Naked Australia
src: www.ournakedaustralia.com.au


Fremantle Prison Pictures: View Photos & Images of Fremantle Prison
src: a.travel-assets.com



Source of the article : Wikipedia
